Showing posts with label Americans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Americans. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Free Jim Robinson Conservatives for God, Family Deceived?!


Free Conservative Website Deceived!

Apparently it's a Free Republic for everyone but me! Sadly I came across a Blog Site that recommend other sites to post content at and I was silenced by a Conservative Website Free Republic. 
I can only contribute to mass about of misinformation regards to by beliefs and my love for the USA, Pro Law Enforcement, Pro Military. Hey wait a minute the FREE REPUBLIC is a Conservative Website?!  I have defended my beliefs and truth to all American's and the World with every part of my body and was silenced
My Body - FACT.

I am really not surprised that Jim Robinson has been misinformed like the rest of the people I have come across over the past 13 years who are conservatives and I don't blame him, he must of gotten a bug in his ear by not so nice people. (READ Why the Experimental Monkey?)  I even called him and he tuned me out and hung up on me.
I was silenced.
My post isn't to bash him or his website, I just hope someone will be able to let him know what a disservice he has done to an American Women who has defended and spoken up for over 13 years and even took a beating of a thousand men for standing up for America! A Silent Crime Of Torture and Psychological Abuse not many people are aware of that happened to me and others. 

I'm Wishing nothing but the best for you and yours Jim. God Bless you and may God Bless America The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave Men and Women who fight for her daily and for all the Women of the World who has been persecuted.


Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Other post that might be interesting to read.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

H.R.4350 Confiscating Guns on Ex Military Members - Now You Know Dare to Challenge, Learn. 9/26/21


Update Sept 30,2021  I came across an Article at Breitbart News

thought I share it. 

By AWR HAWKINS FBI: Over 2x More Killed with Knives than

with Shotguns, Rifles Combined

  • Moreover, Breitbart News noted that when compared to rifle deaths alone, the FBI UCR shows over three and a half times more people were killed with “knives or cutting instruments” than with rifles. In fact, more people were killed with fists and feet than were killed with rifles in 2020.

Original Post:

H.R.4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. 922 of title 18,” SEC. 529 of H.R. 4350

Have you read the National Defense Authorization Act? Last night I came across a post on and a video Confiscating Guns. I then proceeded to go find and read to make sure what I read and watched on Gettr was real, sure as my heart beating it is!


`(j) Restrictions on Access to Firearms.-- ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law-- ``(A) a military court protective order issued on an ex parte basis shall restrain a person from possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm; and ``(B) a military court protective order issued after the person to be subject to the order has received notice and opportunity to be heard on the order, shall restrain such person from possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm in accordance with section 922 of title 18. 

Here is the list of Republicans and Democrats That Voted YEA. 135 Republicans voted YEA. Click Here to see all who voted Yea & Nay.

 Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.



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Who slipped this into the bill? How come so many Republicans for YEA?  This opens up a whole new can of worms and recently what has been taken place within the Military ranks focusing on Social Reform and not necessarily on National Security issues.

Thinking rational about the complications and implications, it brings up all kinds of problems because of some complaint and your gun it taken away. (Most people who go through a bad divorce get restraining orders placed on them) now here comes the Magistrate Confiscating your fire arm, even if you didn't do anything to your spouse, there are endless ways in which other people do things to others just to make ones life a living hell!

You can even go further in critical thinking: "If someone is targeting you and you can't work your way of defending yourself" as American's we have seen Government Officials do all sorts of things to each other and to Americans. Now with the Military Claiming The Race Card and using Critical Race Theory and Extremism, you just might be classified as a person who is not mentally well or use the Race Baiting against you. 

If you would like to voice your dismay, contact the ROLL Call link that I have placed above.  When you stay silent they get away with taking your rights away.

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Read Racial Divisions  To even have a thought of the lower ranks in the Military causes Non Whites to join is a joke, that's called deflecting from Reality. It begins at the Top. 

Once again it's one BIG MESS and in my opinion more of peoples rights will be taken away and this is just the beginning, they are chipping away at America's foundation for well over a decade and now it's just seems more bat sh!t crazy, don't you think?

 American Military News:

  • Earlier this year, President Joe Biden urged Congress to pass a federal “red flag” gun confiscation law.

    “The President urges Congress to pass an appropriate national ‘red flag’ law, as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass ‘red flag’ laws of their own. In the interim, the Justice Department’s published model legislation will make it easier for states that want to adopt red flag laws to do,” a White House said in a statement. 


Please feel free to leave a comment and share this post with everyone! Other important information you might like to read:

  • Oh No!! - Did you get Notification of a Government-backed attack in your email?!


    Now you know! 

    Dare - Challenge - Learn!  

    Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher.

    Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀 Some of the links listed in this post have affiliated links

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Saturday, August 14, 2021

80 Billion Records - Stop Consuming me! Are you at risk?

I do not sell LexisNexis Products.

You are listed with 80 Billion Records. How is your Social Security Number these days? Has someone cast a vote in your name?

Have you heard of LexisNexis a Global Company? LexisNexis shares with Governments, Collection Agencies and Research Groups, they collect everything on you but the kitchen sink! Have you been mob stalked? Not get hired for that job? or just concerned about who knows what about you or if it's false information, What's on your background check?

One of the most important reads to all Americans. Take time to read to secure your privacy. While millions of Americans are placed on a Database the following happens. You are guilty until proven innocent. Your information has been placed with criminals, foreigners and law-abiding citizens. Here is what happens and why.

As an American when you are born someone such as your parents applies for a Social Security Number and your parents use it and you will also use it in your lifetime. A Database Called LexisNexis has your Social Security Number on the database and it is used to show every address you ever lived at, every phone number you've ever had, every car you owned, every license plate you've ever had, every boat you've purchased, every plane you've purchased, every email address you've ever had, all homes purchased, all your relatives associate with you are listed, your post on blogs, your social media accounts. Every business is listed, any business registered with the secretary of state is listed. All driver's License you've ever obtained!

Here are the huge security issues for all Americans, when a human being enters 1 digit or 2 digits off of your social security number and it changes your social security number you now look like you might be using somebody's deceased social security number on purpose, or you are affiliated with someone you don't know you could look like a criminal and you are not even aware of. 

On the LexisNexis Program it doesn't give information that it might be false information, when I used the program about 5 years ago and the user who is looking up your information will determine the accuracy Leaving it in the hands of a stranger, that is scary! You possibly now look guilty of using a deceased individual Social Security Number, a person that died let's say 5 to 10 years ago and only because of a human error entered your social security number wrong. Yes, criminals steal your identity, but you are listed with them on LexisNexis database, the criminal that has stolen your identity is listed on the database too. We all are listed! 

Let's say you gave your social security number prior to a hospital, employer or for insurance purposes and you did nothing wrong, now when a background check is run on your social security number that you gave the correct Social Security Number, but it's listed wrong on their database because prior some worker keyed it wrong into their system.  The worker doesn't contact LexisNexis and says hey I put the wrong information in.

You look guilty? 

You are now possibly associated with someone's else's deceased family member or even criminals listed with your Social Security number you're listed on a database of people you don't even know. The person who runs your background is now under the belief you might be committing or have committed a crime. Your social security number and every name you ever used is listed on this database. There are people on this database that do break the law and can use your social security numbers and in several different states and even other Countries other than America. 

Stolen Identity? 

You are indeed listed with criminals, and they even have a picture of the criminal if it is available. The database does not say keyed in wrong social security numbers, or you didn’t obtain 4 different driver licenses!

Stalking you?

Millions of wrong social security numbers entered into a database. Now you've pissed somebody off online! or in person and they start using your information, they get your email address, phone number, address and unbeknownst to you, you now have several accounts to things you never did. Your background has been ruined by let's say a group of individuals or by a single person. A disgruntled ex-spouse. You now have things associated with your social security number which is not true and could hurt your future employment that shows up.
When getting a new job, sometimes a credit check is done along with a background check. Say you have a bad credit score, and your background check is looking for criminal activities and you are listed with a wrong Social Security number with multiple names and associates or family members you do not have. An unknown or known person has used your name, email address all over the internet with the intent to destroy your life. 

 By the looks of your background now, who wants to hire a criminal? You are placed in a database with real criminals, domestic & foreign all because someone might have been stalking you. Your STALKER might have access to the same data and get more info on you.

Foreign & Domestic Individuals can get your information and steal your identity also from databases or use your information and destroy your life! They only have to have a business license. Innocent Americans are indeed listed with very bad people, and you CANNOT tell them apart from the criminal activities of which you took no part of.

Mob Stalking?

People who might be disgruntled with other people's beliefs come along and harm you by giving wrong information on the "So called Research" "Stalking America" Activities of wrong information. People using bad research databases with wrong information and even Military Personnel are listed! How Many of us give out our children's social security numbers to others? Medical? Schools? and so on, when your child turns 18, they are also listed with possible wrong information due to human error on their social security number. Are you now guilty at the age 18? Information obtained by LexisNexis is not verified information about your person.

Voting laws?  How many stolen or wrong social security numbers entered given rights to non-born American benefits and right to vote and shouldn't have? Yes, there are foreign names with multiple social security numbers and multiple names listed with the same social security. How much is your tax dollars going for fraudulent people getting benefits or getting voting rights? Contact your State representative and ask them. 

Government - What does LexisNexis Share with the Government? Contact Congress and ask!

Aug 14, 2021 - Please share this vital information with everyone! Please leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

Who uses LexisNexis? 

They do business with banks and financial institutions, insurance carriers, healthcare providers and government agencies, law enforcement agencies, and non-profits.

I have a copy of my background check that came from LexisNexis, and I can tell you, there is wrong information such as email addresses I never used, and my last name is wrong and some addresses with regards to my person. 

Here is some helpful information to get your information. Download instructions PDF

  •  Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by LexisNexis placed here for recognition for the blind or eyesight problems.  😎


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