Sunday, October 10, 2021

It's About Time Breast Checkup - Mammogram. October Is Breast Cancer Awareness. Video, Guides. Print Bring Your Brave Campaign

"MEDDAC 2015 Breast Cancer Awareness 5K Run, Triathlon and Health Fair" by usarmywach is marked with CC PDM 1.0   

 Ladies Time For Your Annual Breast Checkup.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness. Have you made your appointment to be checked, did you get your Mammogram? Here is some information and references to help you along and please share with a friend.
Breast Cancer Statistics Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States (some kinds of skin cancer are the most common). Black women die from breast cancer at a higher rate than White women.

Early Onset Breast Cancer: Risk Reduction and Warning Signs  

When Should I Start Getting Mammograms?



No Matter Your Age, Know Your Breast Cancer Risk



The Role of Family History in Breast Cancer


Print Posters 

Breast cancer screening and treatment: One size doesn't fit all. 




Campaign Resources

 Print Poster

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Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Shocking Parents Under Attack Demanding Accountability From Educators - Parents need help now, not later! Awareness.


"We Got Education, Too" by cogdogblog is marked with CC0 1.0

Demanding Accountability From Educators and The Educational System. The need to help more parents is now more prevalent then ever.

How do you start a fight? When they go after a child with a radical new wave education program that pulls you down to a lower level of Education of dismantling what has been for 30 years and they keep things from parents, lets just call it Adult Bullies who might of carried that over from their school years into the Education System and your child might meet one of those bully over the course of his or her school years or lets just cut to the chase That Critical Race Theory has caused more upsets to the whole entire Education System, towards Parents, Teachers, Children the entire educational system in well over 30 years!

What happened to being Smart? Ah Education and being Smart, what a metaphor! You ever here the following sayings “It takes a village to raise a child” “Go to College Get More Knowledge!” Currently parents and some communities are standing up against that Bully and are paying the price for it. As a parent you have rights to know what the school is teaching and using money for, yes parents do have rights!
FOIA is a vital part of our democracy.
 Two parents filed a FIOA (Freedom of Information Act) and are being sued by the school district and the school district claiming the two women violated privacy of students and staff.  The parent redacted information and placed the information on their website ( not be frighten by the above lawsuit, your child's education is the most important and holding the people accountable is your right! 

Lately the State of Virginia School System has been in the spot light with load of problems? What is happening in Virginia and many more States across America? "The New Wave of Education of Woke?" 

I googled Virginia School System Problems - see screenshot about 154,000.000 results give or take some they might be on google twice but still that is way to many problems and that is just the State of Virginia.

Dare Challenge Learn -Children who have been Gaslighted.
Shocking Words Done At A Graduation Ceremony by a Board Member! 👇
Critical Race Theory. Words matter they can scar a lifetime.

Here is one shocking Video out of the State of Virginia

What the heck? Remember your Jihad and the World of White Supremacy!

What is Jihad? (a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam. 
"he declared a jihad against the infidels"  

Hard Question but we have to ask, Are Whites now the Enemy and are infidels?   The Implication towards all Americans and to students that Americans who are White are an Enemy is very disturbing! That's what we tell Graduating Students now?

"The New Wave of Education of Woke!" Frightening!

School board member urges high schoolers to remember jihad as they enter a world of white supremacy

Alright lets all admit something bad is going on and the above is NEVER acceptable, any parent in their right mind would be outraged!  If you don't know what is currently happening in your City and State within your Schools Educational System well you better get going and find out!  The Educational System in my opinion is being under attacked by something that as parents you have a right to know and you hope your children never encounter such speech as shown in the above video! 

Let all be honest and calling for Jihad is PROBLEMATIC! Not an unsolved problem but is solvable by parents demanding accountability for every word or action that Educators place on your child, when you send off little Johnny to School you assume that they will have your child's best interest at heart.  

Why as a parents didn't anyone tell you the new Wave Woke Education included Racism and Remember your Jihad you Infidel? What type of ideology is that being placed on to your child?  Lets not forget what Merrick Garland just did? He has now implemented policies with the FBI to take action against people! Read: IDEA Change? All in the Family AG Garland Critical Race Theory and you're gonna like it or else! Social Emotional Learning Jargon.

From my own personal experience of being shot down by the educational system in Ohio with a child with a disability and the outcome of what transpired over 10 years ago would shake America to it's core. I was silenced. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE SILENCED BY THEM LIKE I WAS!  The following video I couldn't get through because I just crumble and cry and as a Mom I would recommend getting to know how many children have died in your school districts over the last 10 + years. 

Here are some Resources for Parent and Educators. Staying Silent or Afraid Harms Children.  

You are your child's biggest advocate! Voice it!
  • The leaders of the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have vowed to use their deep pockets and extensive political and lobbying muscle to defend teachers who support curriculums infused with critical race theory, which teaches that American laws and systems are inherently racist, and to employ opposition research teams to go after the groups hostile to that teaching.

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 


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DEADBEAT Rental Property Owners Owes Back Taxes  $89,946.79  on 20 Properties, includes a lien! " For Rent " by  Doug Waldron  is ...