Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Challenging Mass Exodus out of Public Schools - The pitfalls it may have on Children. Home school vs Public School. CRT, SEL, EQUITY


"Apples (Malus Domestica) (1908) by Amanda Almira Newton. Original from U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel." is marked with CC0 1.0             

 What's at Stake Your Child's Well-being? 
A Mass Exodus?


 Exodus noun

  1. A departure of a large number of people.
  2. The departure of the Israelites from Egypt.
  3. A going out; departure from a place; especially, the migration of large bodies of people or animals from one country or region to another; specifically, in history, the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.


An Apple a day keeps the the doctor away!

The first stems from the biblical story of Adam and Eve. Here, the “Tree of Knowledge,” from which Eve eats the forbidden fruit, is often depicted as an apple tree. The apple, therefore, is the fruit of knowledge, making it a fitting gift for a teacher. 

"The Apple Seed that you plant should be well taken care of; you plant the seed, you water it and take care of it, watch it grow and it produces wonderful fruit. The Seeds of learning placed into a child mind and watch him/her flourish is how we produce healthy adults; we don't produce fruit or greatness by watching it wither away." - Barb Nied -As of 2020, there is 130,930 recorded number of K-12 schools in the United States of America (U.S.A), according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).


The Questioning of Mass Exodus on Children across America, the heated discussion on what should be done to benefit a childs learning needs of recently of "what the heck is my child learning?" Critical Race Theory? Not the 3 R's thrown in with Social Emotional Learning.

The public school system has change within 20+ years with SEL and placing a college course on PreK-12 of Critical Race Theory into the minds of children and adults. SEL Social Emotional Learning & CRT and Equity if you do not go along, you are a supremacist part of the KKK or a White Nationalist and some educators are agreeing and placing parents and child in a not so nice situation. What happened to the Educators? How did they end up this way? do we fight by Mass Exodus and leave them stranded with no help? How does that benefit the Educational system?

With homeschooling, I have to go by my insight of dealing with a company that offered Home Schooling and it was a fiasco, I don't think all homeschooling is bad, the question is what factors does it really benefit for the child's learning needs. You can go far as to say many homes schools get paid money from the state and each child has a dollar symbol attached and as a parent you hope that the Educational Facility that is offering homeschooling is doing it for all the right reasons. 

As stated above I am not against homeschooling as long as the child benefits and excels not only in studies but emotionally. To have a Mass Exodus of mass leaving in the now systemic problems in the educational system doesn't stop the systemic problems in the United States System, it does help bring notice to the problems that the United States of America's Education Institutions are facing from parents. 

The damage has been done. The Psychological affects has already seeped into the minds of Adults and Children with Critical Race and Equity. Now what do we do? Mass Exist?  I believe we stay and speak up and change and make a number 1 priory to fix the Systemic problems caused by people who are adults who made this happen. You hold adults accountable for their action or non-action in protecting the very core of the future of the United States by what is taught in school. To take SEL and for people to taint it and inter mingling with it a Marxist Ideology and no one take notice is so very alarming beyond reason.

SEL start out on focusing on the less fortunate children and programs that were not available.  Social Emotional Learning was I believed to be a concept used for children with a learning disability, not a school disability but there is the problem, not all children have emotional problems and are stable. The emotional damage of Critical Race Theory is not Equity - It just not fair.

 Physical Building a School

The hunger of a child in poor household and the child gets fed at a public school, I hope in the year 2021 that is not happening as was in prior school years. When the weak doesn't have anyone to speak up for them, sometimes you find that help in a public school. We should always give children every opportunity in the world for a child to learn and that a child feels safe and can depend on walking in a school and can depend on the people in that school building to tend to the child. 

  • “Recent research shows that many children who do not have enough to eat wind up with diminished capacity to understand and learn. Children don’t have to be starving for this to happen. Even mild undernutrition – the kind most common among poor people in America – can do it.” Carl Sagan

Teachers who play one of the most significant parts of a child's life besides a parent is a teacher and its school.  The new wave of non-attachment over a computer screen is not the same as in person. Social Emotional impact and learning over a computer screen and not being able to be in the same room with your peers must have a psychological affect; wearing a mask all the time even in your home, not hugging, not standing by your peers or even playing in the schoolyard having fun with no care or worry's has enormous of consequences of a child development socially & emotionally and now throwing in Critical Race Theory and Equity, it appears not all is playing the same on the same playground and a Mass Exodus would affect Teachers throughout the United States of America and even their children, what shall we do then with those teachers?

Covid Happened

The child shouldn't be worrying to death of getting Covid or the person that he might be sitting next to will give him/her Cooties, the stress now on display is disturbing and it's the adults fault, not the child's.

Suicides among young children and teens. As shown at, before Covid hit suicide is the second leading cause of death among people ages 10-24 and has been increasing every year since 2007


The biggest increase in youth deaths occurred in the 15-24 age bracket — the age group most susceptible to committing suicide, and which constitutes 91% of youth suicides. Indeed, as early as July 2020 — just four months into the pandemic — CDC Director Robert Redfield remarked that 

·         there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose.

  • Robert Redfield, MD, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID. So this is why I keep coming back for the overall social being of individuals, is let’s all work together and find out how we can find common ground to get these schools open in a way that people are comfortable and their safe.


Home School: Some states requirement are the same as a public school and some home schools get away with more then a public school, no one is overseeing who running a tight ship at at home school. I agree that some home schools are done with the intent with the ideology of the household religion or are fed up with what was being taught to their child. Numerous reason to home school children but a mass exodus? how would that benefit the whole educational system? Not every parent can afford to stay at home or home school and yes their are still parents  who don't even know they have options. To take a stand that mass exodus will increase in better learning? What about children in a School Setting that has a learning disabilities, I understand home schools have IEP specialist and they form a plan for the child learning needs (IDEA) Some children cannot sit in front a computer screen and do the work on their own they need special attention. 

I don't agree with Mass Exodus as it's seems just to complicated and not only will the child education suffer the teachers as well.  It's emotional for all involved and maybe that is what the intent was after all.

Each parent will have to decide and speak up to what is best for their child's education needs are.  You may disagree with the entire opinion above and have your take on the educational system, I hope you do and comment as parents, teachers and educational administrators.  We need solutions not arresting parents for disagreeing with an Education System that has become Emotionally Broken.




Now you know!

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Monday, October 11, 2021


Disclaimer:Rights of logo is owned by the company shown as CASEL

 Collaborative For The Advancement of Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

CASEL Founder & Leadership Team, Vice-Chair Eileen Rockefeller Growald and Timothy P. Shriver, Chair Special Olympics, Inc.
I read FOX News Article see below and every parent should be outraged at to what happened to Co-Founder Panorama Alexander "Xan Tanner and a 2021 Work Shop he attended see below article.  
I will prove in the follow research what has occurred to the Educational Program SEL Social Emotional Learning and how it's been tainted by intermingling jargon so called Woke Words Called Slave Speak (Equity & Inclusion, CRT) I have research years 1998-2021. How do you get all this Slave Speak Words and Emotional Learning Noticed and Believed? Use Emotional Learning, a program that has spent it's entire existence helping children.  If it sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, it's a duck and what sound does a duck make? Quack Quack! 

What is Slave Speak?  My Next Project will be giving you information on Slave Speak.
I took the liberty to do some research for parents on SEL Social Emotional Learning. (CASEL)  a business based out of Chicago, IL a Not for profit company that has been incorporated since 2008  as shown at Office of The Illinois Secretary of State 
(CASEL started online in 1999 as Collaborative for the Advancement of Social  and Emotional Learning (CASEL)Department of Psychology.  I couldn't find any business incorporated in 1998 or 1999 in the State of IL, with it being so old possibly the business record from SOS is archived.  As seen in screenshot below SEL started out at The University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Psychology 1998. Below is 1999 👇


Definition of EQUITY - fairness or justice in the way people are treated
Here is what I found from 1998-2016 No Critical Race Theory.  Equity was always part of the learning processes fairness or justice in the learning structure.

They started in 1994 Collaborative For The Advancement of Social and Emotional Learning was established for low income and minority students to excel. From 2017 to 2021 the shift changed when they went National. In the beginning they focused on Social issues, Aid, Truancy, dropout prevention, multi-cultural education, violence prevention etc. (Read More Here) They focused on implementation and intervention and prevention on every aspect of Mental Health and Social issues, Self-esteem, problem solving between child and adult and many other social issues and at this time not many prevention programs, they focused on implementation Intervention and prevention towards all aspect throughout the educational system towards parent, teachers, administrators and the Educational Community. After reviewing all the information the intention on the following program SEL concept was a great concept. Implement healthy stable children in return leads to having healthy adults while facing Social issues throughout their life may it be home, school, community. 
Between  2017 - 2021 - The starting of implementing difference between people (Cultures) and the material changed in assessments and guides and how to implement of talking about differences and even reading material to one specific group (Black & Brown) students and new words.

Opinion: Now here we are at the cross roads of the Government stepping in and getting the FBI involved. Time for the Government and the Education System that oversees what was placed on the Educational System and it was focused on Minority Children. If you study Social Emotional Issues on the Minority and what their needs are and met those needs you left off Non Minority Emotional Social Issues and what that child learning needs are because the thinking is that Minority students need more help then non minority. How is this learning on the same level of learning? Minority vs Non Minority. Equity: therefore it isn't fair or justified when one group over another group of educational needs not being met. To implement Critical Race Theory and SEL towards the Non Minority group and to make it believed that the Non Minority group is at fault for the Minority of Social Emotional Problems. The problematic belief that is currently happening, the Non Minority causes Social Emotional problems on the Minority Students or Adults in the World is absurd. It is not the Parents faults of the New Teaching methods and it should be addressed at the Government level as to why the change in Teaching Methods and the approval of such teaching methods.

I pulled some records off of WayBackMachine and randomly looked at the content, here is 1998

CASEL Collections, Volume I:  1998

R. Weissberg, T. Shriver, & E. Growald 
M. Elias 
D. Goleman
E. Growald
T. Shriver & R. Weissberg
R. Weissberg,  D. Sluyter, & S.  Bose

I went through 23 years worth of pages picked random by date.  All Clickable for you to review.


No CRT in the Following Years
2011 -  Special Bill with No Critical Race Theory or Equity
  • Bipartisan legislation supporting students’ development through social and emotional learning has been introduced to the 112th Congress by Representatives Judy Biggert (R‐IL), Dale E. Kildee (D‐MI), and Tim Ryan (D‐OH).
  • The Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Act of 2011, HR 2437 will expand the availability of programs that teach students skills such as problem‐solving, conflict resolution, responsible decision-making, relationship building, goal‐setting, and self discipline. “This legislation will help teachers provide result‐driven instruction in skills that keep children focused on learning and prepare them to succeed in the real world,” says Representative Judy Biggert, a member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee.
Continued from above *No CRT or Equity
*2012 - Mentions Bullying,   
*2013 - Guide- No Mention of CRT or Equity
*2015 - Born this way came on board Mentions Lady Gaga

2017 SEL-Ted, Cultural Resiliency and Equity & - pdf not working you have to go here to review Equity  
Tim Shriver - He also chairs the Special Olympics and
in that capacity he happily serves together with over four million Special


2018 More assessments done with Equity and SEL on 8 Urban Schools, video mentions Black & Brown Boys Read The Entire Transcript Here and here is the video

2019 Power Point - Social Awareness They became national




2020 Print the entire Guide

The Casel Guide To School wide SEL Essentials - Began to be more public about addressing racism.  Screenshot from the Guide

From the 2020 Guide




See Video Library Here is one video listed they offer on CASEL.

Daily Advisory: Building Social, Emotional & Academic Skills (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 4:45) Combining social and emotional learning with literacy lessons in daily advisory meetings helps students build strong positive relationships and listening skills.

Discussion on a Abusive Cop - CASEL using VIDEO from 2018 EDUTOPIA


2021 Print or Download the Integrated Lesson Plan from K-12  Download the Complete Guide to see 8-12 

Teachers Assessment and Guide to Techniques Talking about Differences of colors on a leafs K-2

3-8 Grade Students are to read a poem Daybreak in Alabama By Langston Hughes About this Poet Langston Hughes was a central figure in the Harlem Renaissance, the flowering of black intellectual, literary, and artistic life that took place in the 1920s in a number of American cities, particularly Harlem Black & White. Teacher rereads 6 lines   (Reread the 6 lines, “Of black and white…natural as dew”.) What do you think Langston Hughes is trying to communicate here? (pause) Turn to your partner.

As Reported by Kyle Morris on FoxNews  Panorama Merrick Garland Son-in-law

Are Your Children Being Brainwashed? Watch Video. 

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Dare - Challenge - Learn

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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