Monday, November 22, 2021

2021 Obituary For Schools in Rhode Island -124 Pages Of Step By Step Brainwashing Tactic Manual.

If you're white, do not speak, this is not your fight, you are here to listen and learn,  don't take that platform from us at these protests.

If you're white, use your body to protect black/brown people - police are more likely to at least hesitate to cause harm.

"It's a Death" in society against America's Children, against the Educational System in America. The Education we have always known is dying. Undeniable indoctrination and brainwashing at the highest levels possible.  I believe anyone who see's the following information will only come to one conclusion, It's propaganda Brainwashing!

Children in America without a shadow of a doubt are being harmed by brainwashing in their schools!

Chariho school district. Psych Eval Cost. You can click on the link or scroll down to the bottom of this page Chariho School Committee Virtual Meeting ðŸ‘ˆPDF link

The demographics.  I thought CRT was because of Urban Schools needed more Social Emotional Learning and Critical Race Theory and Equity.  The majority of people are White in Chariho and people married and we know the Radicals believes that White people need re-educated and that white people have to much!

What you will be reading will either get you to cry or become outrage with anger. Before you become outrage do not do anything to get yourself arrested at the school,  students are currently in school and their safety comes first.  

Below is what is being taught in Chariho School District, it's 124 Pages of Indoctrination Brainwashing Technique Step by Step Manual Propaganda you'd see in a 3rd World Country but it's not its right here in America! All psychological bullshit and you believe the material is healthy for children? You wouldn't even find that garbage in ANY Mental Health Facility.  

Lets just all now understand what has been happening to our Children, a Crime. Highest of all crimes, pure Communisms Style Brainwashing Indoctrination Tactics you'd see in China or Russia and America has been warned for over 40 years! It's happening folks. 

How do you change a Whole Country? By it's Children with Brainwashing Tactics!

Here is the kind of Response I get from people who are for Indoctrination on children (SICKNESS

Here is just a sampling Do's & Don'ts 
(Tips for protest!!
It gets worse! 
Scroll Down Read The Manual!


  • Wear a face mask to protect against COVID but also avoid facial recognition software
  • Cover as much of your body as possible
  • Wear goggles
  • Turn off location services, face ID/touch ID, and create a 6 digit passcode
  • If you're white, use your body to protect black/brown people - police are more likely to at least hesitate to cause harm
  • Cover identifying features
  • Don't take photos/videos of peoples faces - black them out if you do
  • Don't post original photos, screenshot the image and post it to get rid of metadata
  • Do not show up to a protest for photo opportunities: be there to support and protect, not to exploit and brag about your "activism"
  • If you're white, do not speak, this is not your fight, you are here to listen and learn, don't take that platform from us at these protests



NOT HEALTHY AT ALL!  171 staff members responded to the survey.

Board Consent Agenda Items

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links, please visit one of them to support me to continue Dare Challenge Learn. All sources in post can be found at their websites, if you find an error with any of the Source Links please contact me.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Hey America's Parents are you listed as a Domestic Terrorist? FBI, CID Threat Tag EDUOFFICAL Documents.


Hey America's Parents are you listed as a Domestic Terrorist?

See Peeples Letter regarding Tag EDUOFFICAL and Jim Jordan Ranking Member Letter to FBI Director Chris Wray.

Jim Jordan asking for:

"In light of the whistleblower disclosure, we request that you provide the following additional documents and information:
1. Provide the number of parents who have been tagged by FBI with the EDUOFFICIALS
threat tag;"

3 ways to download and share:


Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links, please visit one of them to support me to continue Dare Challenge Learn. All sources in post can be found at their websites, if you find an error with any of the Source Links please contact me.


DEADBEAT Rental Property Owners Owes Back Taxes  $89,946.79  on 20 Properties, includes a lien! " For Rent " by  Doug Waldron  is ...