Friday, January 28, 2022

The future can be predictable it's a true brain changer. A part of America Society is Woke or Unwoke.


A Brain Changer

Please read and look at the photo and change the wording to Equity, SEL, CRT, Social Reform, Mandates, or any other words that changes the Brain Structure of a child or citizen.

I know you might find the following not believable of what I am about to tell you. Just like all those Survey studies given to all schools across the Nation, SEL.

A restruck of your brain and child who's brain is still being in the early development stages and even an older child can have his/her brain rewired to think differently.

CRT, SEL, Social Reform that went unnoticed by parents. The true nature of the intent by people on children or it’s citizen. Predictable, you do this this and this and you get this the predictable responses, and the response can be in any form, fear, anger, confusion, over loaded information on a child.

It is now more predictable of your child’s Emotional Responses. SEL indeed changes the structure of a Childs brain. It's quite the deception.

A part of America Society is Woke or Unwoke? The people who do such tactics on America's Society already know what the Predictable responses that would occur. Hence, they had thousands of days to do so and it went unnoticed. As I would assume planned that way.

When looking at the following photo try to see it in a perspective of your brain and use the current jargon given to you, your child, educator, your places of employment. Equity, Social Emotional Learning, CRT, negative words on Society in general.

Put your words on this brain and tell me what is the predictability you see?

Look at it from the perspective the Brain Injury that occurs emotionally on a child when people who implemented such as SEL, CRT, Social Reform, and the predictability they knew would be the outcome on a child or society.

Education needs to revamp right this very second and change the Government actions on Americas Children. SEL, CRT, Equity is all a Brain Changer.
It really is the utmost urgent matter stopping what is occurring to America's Children and Society.

It is harder to recover from Emotional Brain Injury and some never recover.

The Future can be predictable.


You might also like to read:

Dr. Gholdy Muhammad Tell The Truth Genius. DCL: Critiquing Black History Not Being Taught Accurately to K-12th Students In America.

Now you Know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Why is it so important to know why certain "words" are used in America's Society?


Bertha Butt

Why is it so important to know why certain "words" are used in America's Society?

Example The name/word #Karen - Karen is Political Slavespeak an agenda to make you think differently, it's actually a brainwashing technique, it came out during the Trump Presidency. It was placed in American's Society and then used counteractive against Conservative White Women in general. The Karen slavespeak Name/Word is derogatory in nature and that All White Women Nag and Complain. It's gets the young and old to look down on White Women and make fun of them. To say all White Women Nag and Complain and feel more privileged is ridiculous.

If I started calling every Black Women Bertha Butt #berthabutt and make it derogatory in America's Society that all Black Women are overweight and flabby you would claim that I am a White Racist and I hate Black people and I am a White Nationalist or even call me a #karen or a White Devil or a snowflake.

If you want to attack a group of people in America, you can use Political Slave Speak and Brainwash an entire Nation.

Know what is being done, that is the only way to stop such division amongst people who have to live together and that is supposed to be without hinder, harm, being murderer and teaching children without brainwashing them. The abuse must end and people in Washington DC needs to stop pinning people against each other with Political SlaveSpeak!
There is a difference between freedom of speech and brainwashing tactics in Freedom of Speech.

To read more about Slavespeak and the meaning please click on the following link:

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Vocabulary Lesson Turns Into Slavespeak In America's Education System It's Not What You Think.

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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