Sunday, October 9, 2022

*UPDATE* Evansville Indiana - Valore at Hidden Hills Residence Living With Fire Safety Hazard Met with Evict Notices From New Ownership.

By Fir0002 - Originally uploaded to the English Wikipedia here by the author, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Video showing proof how residence couldn't escape if a fire broke out!!

Evansville, Indiana
Valore At Hidden Hills Fire 🔥 Safety 🦺 Hazard For It's Residence.

See Original Article Here - Evansville Indiana - Valore at Hidden Hills Residence Living With Fire Safety Hazard Met with Evict Notices From New Ownership. See Photo's of Fire Safety Concerns and Video form the original article as well.

Before Article Was Published to Social Media and other locations online I sent an email with the Article to Krista Sullivan at Vicinia Property Management and to Manager Brandy Youell to get a comment or a response, I did get a email from a Loni Hale from Customer Service but not Krista Sullivan or Brandy Youell.  

Loni Hale response was more concerned if I was a resident and didn't address any of the residences concerns regarding a fire hazard or problems with mismanagement. No current update has been given to the residence of Valore At Hidden Hills with regards to demanding payments and other changes set by the New Terms given to some residence by Vicinia Property Management and no signed updated rental leasing agreements signed by the residence from the new owner or Vicinia Property Management.

If you know of an attorney who can protect the rights of residents of Valore at Hidden Hills from mismanagement and fire safety issues please contact me at

Here is my Email to Krista Sullivan Customer Experience at Vicinia Property Management

Response From Customer Care At Vicinia Property Management Loni Hale

Friday, October 7, 2022

Evansville Indiana - Valore at Hidden Hills Residence Living With Fire Safety Hazard Met with Evict Notices From New Ownership.

Broken Stair Case - Fire Safety concern not being able to escape down the stairs.

28 second short clip video

Evansville Indiana - Valore at Hidden Hills Residence Living With Fire Safety Hazard Met with Evict Notices From New Ownership.

Oct 6, 2022
Evansville Indiana -

Problems with mismanagement rental property scared its residents
with eviction notices and safety fire concerns at Valore at Hidden Hills Apartments.
The safety concerns at Valore at Hidden Hills is a fire safety issue and management issue. The first issue, the steps that leads to the top level to residents apartments has been cautioned off with caution tape without any platform just an opening hole with no flooring and has been left that way for months and months without maintenance fixing it, if there was a fire blocking from other exits the residents wouldn’t be able to escape down the stairs to exit from the fire.

The second issue, today residents of Valore at Hidden Hills were met with a New Management Company called Vicinia Property Management handing out pink slips on residence doors of possible eviction notices, supposedly money owed for monthly rental fee’s and other services, this is the third property management company within the last year the residents of Valore has had to deal with, one resident who received a pink slip notice by the new management company said he hadn’t paid his garbage bill in 2 years and another resident said he was being charged $500 dollars for the same problem and the resident said the fees are included in their rental leasing agreement. 

Residents in Evansville at Valore getting a letter demanding money of what they had supposedly owed and shocked and didn’t know they owed and worrying if they'd be thrown out on the street and turned away by the new property manager Will. The property manager Will wouldn’t take any money orders and told residents they would have to pay in full or be evicted.

Vicinia property manager placed notices and tact them on the doors of a large amount of people today, people showing up at the rental office met with no one in the office like they have for months and when people knocked on the door no one answered, one lady was persistent knocking on the rental office door, finally someone in the office opened the door and she talked with a Will Warfield the property manager/agent for owner, the resident problem was she received an evict notice demanding payment in full, her house had burnt down and was staying as a resident while her house is being rebuilt and her insurance company paid her rental fee’s and the new Property Agents causing her more stress and causing her more worries after dealing with a fire that destroyed her home and demanding she pay, another resident left in tears as the property agent was telling her it was her fault for living paycheck to paycheck and she was just making up excuses, she advised him the lockbox was removed some time ago and he refused to believe her and said he watched the maintenance worker remove it. He told her to use Paypal to make a payment or cash app which is not in her lease agreement. She also mentioned that the website was taken down and he told her she was making excuses, she said to me, prior arrangements with the last Management Company that was working with her and when she was speaking with Will the new agent and she was backing up and he was getting closer and closer to her and made her feel very uncomfortable as in he was intimidating her, he wouldn't take her money orders.

There haven't been any new leasing agreements made by the new property owners for the residents of Valore at Hidden Hills and the new management is shifting the blame on it's residence for the mismanagement from months and months prior worth of having no official property management leaving the residence with lots of questions on what the new company intentions are, the new company showed those intentions today, residence met with not very friendly property agent and mean and demanding money or be evicted and residence turned away.

Another problem for some residents who always paid through a lockbox at the rental office for over a year was met with no lockbox to place their payment and no address to mail their payment, the lockbox was removed without notice and Will lied to the resident stating it was removed last week. No rental property manager has been available for months to assistance the residents with any of their questions, there hasn’t been any rental agent to assist as both workers quit prior to the new management company and the residence has already been dealing with their 2nd management company and now the third, Vincina. 

Residence receive one notice on Sept 1, 2022 from Krista Sullivan Vice President of Operations by the New Management Company stating the new payment terms, residents were told to use PayPal to make their rental payment forcing them not to have any other way to make their rental payment and no working website to make a payment and it hasn’t been working for a couple of months and non working phone numbers. On Sept 1, 2022 the new management made new arrangements with no new lease agreement changing the current lease agreement without residence signing new lease agreements with new terms set by the new management company from the Sept 1st notice, now the company is demanding the residence following their new terms not set in residence prior leasing agreements. See photo's below for letters given to some residence.

Residents who received the 1st notice tried calling the phone number and could never get a hold of anyone to discuss paying by other ways and no property manager at the rental leasing office and no lockbox to make a payment and no website as prior to get their balances if any of what they owed, also, some of those Sept 1st notices were laying on the ground that had fallen off the doors of the residents and most likely the residents of Valore didn’t receive the info properly about the new management company and it’s new terms, the new owners didn’t get any new leasing agreements with its residents of Valore at Hidden Hills on the new terms changing their leases without notices or new written agreements or new leases signed by any of the residence.

On Sept 7, 2022 another notice that made it to some residents and not others was similar to the 1st notice; not all residents received the second notice.

On Sept 16, 2022 another notice was tacked on the doors of its residence about an Insurance inspection inside their homes but no mention about fixing the steps for safety concern for its residence on the upper level.

The new management letter given and the evict notices to some of its residents today doesn’t match the tone or philosophy of the letter that some residents received of how lucky the residence of Valore at Hidden Hills would be with a new management company called Vicnina Property Management, within 2 months what they did do to the resident of Valore was shock them, turned them away and made resident cry, be frightened and scared of being evicted with either you pay as they demanded or be evicted and no new leases agreement from the new owners, the residence do not know who owns the property and didn’t get a new rental lease agreement, just demand for money or be evicted!

If you know of an attorney who can protect the rights of residents of Valore at Hidden Hills from mismanagement and fire safety issues please contact me at

Oct 7, 2022 As of 11AM today no comment from Krista Sullivan and Vincinia Team or Brandy Youell Regional Manager at Valore At Hidden Hills.

Photo's of the Broken Stair Case and Residence Fire Safety Concern not being able to exist to escape.




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