Sunday, October 9, 2022

Exposing The Coverup! How an Obama Subcontractor for the DOD Committed A Crime on a 16 year old Teen Cell Phone!


2012 an Obama Sub Contractor for the DOD Committed Crimes on a 16 year old Teen Cell Phone who didn't used her real name!  See Screen Shot from 2012

My life has been destroyed by a Disinformation Campaigned for the last 13 years! No one has been held accountable for what was done to me, my family.

March 15, 2013 I made a post on my Facebook page as to what took place, it shows Bedford Ohio, my teen son and I do not have anything to do with Obama, Widepoint or Bedford Ohio or the DOD Subcontractor Cecil Shaw who didn't even use her real name. 

This year 2022 all the evidence I had posted of what had taken place was swiped clean from Youtube! Why the coverup? I want to know why a Black Women under the Obama Administration who was a Subcontractor for the DOD lied in 2012 and didn't even use her real name lied about what was done.  The cover-up for the last 10+ years has brought loss of Education, loss of Employment, Abuse by some of my Employers and people being gaslighted and to make them believe all kinds of crazy things about me, my family and continue the lies and deception leaving people in a delusion. 

What had and is taken place is so WIDE spread of lies to the point I was left discredit and no legal help, turned away and I couldn't protect my family only to be more discredited. This is the truth and I have told the truth for 10+ years!  I must tell you once again, you all are being lied to with disinformation misinformation to lead you away from the truth of what took place in America on innocent lives and the innocent lives destroyed for the past 10 years.  I went to the FBI, turned away, I went to major news networks and nothing has ever been done about the crime.

I have her real name as I will not post it as of yet, currently every person I have encountered over the last 10 years has been deceived and those people just happened to be White.  I have tried to defend my family over and over while the people who committed crimes lives a happy life while destroying mine and others and giving you false information on the real truth!  Here is the REAL TRUTH!

When I called to find out why there were DOD certificates placed on my 16 year old teens son cell phone a service that you have to pay for and give identifying information of who you are as a person this was the response I got, it was total lies. Also note my 16 year old son never had a credit card and never gave identifying information, never paid for the service and the cell phone wasn't in his name. My son never needed to deal with DOD -Department of Defense at any level!

I have a phone message left on my cell phone regarding the following, it is true to fact!. Around March 3, 2012 I noticed that a Department of Defense certificate was issued on my son's cell phone. It came from ORC website, you must sign for this type of Certificate and must pay for it. My son was 16 years old at this time and he could not have paid for this service. Here is the website.
Here is the message left by Mrs Shaw on my voice mail, I have transcribed it.
caller id shows 703-273-0578
A Hello Barbara, this is Celia Shaw from ORC you contacted me um you were concerned about um you indicated that your son has a blackberry that had ECA certificates on it and um and you want to know what they were and what they were about just give me a call back ah it isn't something that you get some kind of monthly fee on that being charged to his phone or something like that but what it is a
ECA Certificate it something you ah is a subscriber um uses to gain access into a DOD website and um maybe that's why your son purchased a ECA certificate and has it on his blackberry to use it when he needs to gain access into a DOD website so that's what that is about um he he indicated that he has a SW2 certificate a possibility that certificate has already expired um just give me a call back and I can let you know the status of that and like I said it isn't something your being charged monthly for it is something he needed a certificate for to gain access to a DOD website give me a call back when you get a chance 703-246-8527 have a good day bye bye

As of today, no one has been held responsible!  Now you see in America Marxism flourishing.  The advice that I need to give you is if you don't speak to me directly and you go off of what others say to you and you haven't asked me you are doing a disservice and continuing the COVER UP of what was done to my family and not holding people accountable of what they did. I have more information and would be more then willing to speak to any authority or anyone willing to help me.


2012 Lies From An Obama DOD Subcontractor

*UPDATE* Evansville Indiana - Valore at Hidden Hills Residence Living With Fire Safety Hazard Met with Evict Notices From New Ownership.

By Fir0002 - Originally uploaded to the English Wikipedia here by the author, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Video showing proof how residence couldn't escape if a fire broke out!!

Evansville, Indiana
Valore At Hidden Hills Fire 🔥 Safety 🦺 Hazard For It's Residence.

See Original Article Here - Evansville Indiana - Valore at Hidden Hills Residence Living With Fire Safety Hazard Met with Evict Notices From New Ownership. See Photo's of Fire Safety Concerns and Video form the original article as well.

Before Article Was Published to Social Media and other locations online I sent an email with the Article to Krista Sullivan at Vicinia Property Management and to Manager Brandy Youell to get a comment or a response, I did get a email from a Loni Hale from Customer Service but not Krista Sullivan or Brandy Youell.  

Loni Hale response was more concerned if I was a resident and didn't address any of the residences concerns regarding a fire hazard or problems with mismanagement. No current update has been given to the residence of Valore At Hidden Hills with regards to demanding payments and other changes set by the New Terms given to some residence by Vicinia Property Management and no signed updated rental leasing agreements signed by the residence from the new owner or Vicinia Property Management.

If you know of an attorney who can protect the rights of residents of Valore at Hidden Hills from mismanagement and fire safety issues please contact me at

Here is my Email to Krista Sullivan Customer Experience at Vicinia Property Management

Response From Customer Care At Vicinia Property Management Loni Hale


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