Saturday, June 25, 2022

Rhode Island Teacher Shares Reeducated Rethink Material, "White Educator" "racist", "colonists", "micro-aggressors", and white supremacists.

 Rethink Material "White Educator"

Ramona Bessinger -Two years ago, Providence Schools and districts across Rhode Island implemented a state-wide curriculum that included the removal of library books, the removal of historically accurate textbooks, the removal of the Holocaust, and literature.

Teachers in Providence, and I believe the surrounding areas were told over and over again, that we were "racist", "colonists", "micro-aggressors", and white supremacists.

Below is an example of the reading material we were provided with during ONE professional development session. There are many more examples:

My consensus and others:

Here is what has taken place across America in Schools, at a teachers work place called a school.  I am sure most people in America by now have been fully deceived at their places of employment and in your child's school. Every part of our Government and local Governments - City, State and yes even law enforcement. Not one profession was not targeted.

It's all about White people who are racist and you should be trained to rethink, talk and act different around black people and if you don't, you are racially bias and there could be consequences, such as loosing your job or being singled out and you are too difficult.

The reading material given to teachers to reeducate them at first seems minor but as you get more into what is being taught and the misinformation and the  "removal of library books, the removal of historically accurate textbooks, the removal of the Holocaust, and literature." as Ramona has stated in her post, a teacher in Rhode Island, it now become obvious it's nefarious intent and it's done deliberately, as shown in figure 1 "White Educator" that is targeted not only on teachers, administrators in school, it's meant for all White People and all professions in America and even currently at the Military level our armed forces.

The more you do your own research and find out more of what has been happening it become apparent that people of color called whites have been bamboozled, not only that, America's history removed out of the classroom and replaced with discriminatory material.

Here are some words used to reeducate teachers to tell them how bias they are: White Privilege, White Supremacy, Whiteness, White Fragility, Systemic Bias, Systemic Oppression.

You are white therefore you have been the oppressor and you fall under the category "Conscious and unconscious bias" The main difference between conscious and unconscious bias is that conscious bias refers to biased attitudes that you are aware of, while unconscious bias refers to biased attitudes that operate outside your awareness and control.

If you are a white person and you tell a black person they are conscious and have unconscious bias towards a white person, it's falls back that you are white privileged and you were born racist due to prior actions or history done by someone else.

Please speak out because, your child is being taught they are the racially bias to their peers in the classroom if they are black, brown and other brown skinned.  It is also being taught that children who are brown or black skinned should be treated differently and some go to the extent black and brown skinned children can't learn the same way of any other race.

The above concept what we call "indoctrination" has been placed into the entire United States of America Society including law schools, medical schools to change the future of America in all forms.

Here is more information you might like to read: 

2021 Obituary For Schools in Rhode Island -124 Pages Of Step By Step Brainwashing Tactic Manual.

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Parenting Racial Bias Teachers Of Instagram Anti Racist SEL - CRT - DEI - Restorative Justice

#Parenting #RacialBias #TeachersOfInstagram #AntiRacist Images by @pretty_good_design, adapted from work by the Children’s Community School.

SEL - CRT - DEI - Restorative Justice trained or brainwashed into your teachers teaching children throughout the United States of America! The following is so absurd. Please get involved and help stop indoctrinating children with they are born with racial bias and children need to be treated differently due to the color of there skin.

INSTAGRAM as seen in photo above: "Nope. Silence about race can reinforce racisms by letting children draw their own conclusions."

You can bet or assume each teacher in America has been groomed by this indoctrination. Meaning: you as parents teach your children to be racist and your teacher must teach your child not to be, you are born inherently racist. 

Here is the Abolitionist Teaching Network Presents PDF Guide that was linked to Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students needs. States used Bidens Education Guide, what was attached to this guide was undeniable nonsense. They might have removed the link but I have it.  See Below. Spirit Murder Black, Brown or Indigenous, therefore they must be Restorative Justice. Scroll down to read further about Restorative Justice.

Abolitionist Teaching Network Presents PDF Guide that mentions Spirit Murder: 

Restorative Justice: In School when you give a suspension or discipline to a child that is non white the child has to be treated differently. Children must not have Equity if they do the same wrong in school, you must be more lenient toward a non white child.

Here is a prime example of so called #RacialJustice. 👇 WA schools adopt race-based discipline, white students to get harsher punishment. 

What its all about getting the funds: In 2020 and 2021, Congress passed three stimulus bills that provided nearly $190.5 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund, Two-thirds of ESSER funds are immediately available to states, while remaining funds will be made available after states submit ESSER implementation plans. The U.S. Department of Education is reviewing and approving submitted state plans. As of November 11, 2021, 46 states have had their plan approved. The Abolitionist Teaching Network Presents PDF Guide that mentions Spirit Murder was link to Roadmap to recovery Guide that the Government Issued and States made plans by that guide and received funds from the COVID monies.  Propaganda - Spirit Murder.   

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links. Please visit one of them to support me to continue to Dare Challenge Learn.


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