To know a child Learning needs is to take a Survey? Ridiculous!
You could argue the following to the school: SEL is taking non trained teachers who aren't Certified as Intervention Specialist and implementing a program SEL into the whole classroom.
- To become a clinical psychologist, you will need an undergraduate degree (four to five years of college) plus a doctorate degree (four to seven years of graduate school). For this specialty area, most people will spend between eight to 12 years in higher education.
- To become a teacher it take 4 years.
- The teacher has obtained full state certification as a special education teacher (including certification obtained through alternative routes to certification), or passed the state special education teacher licensing examination, and holds a license to teach in the state as a special education teacher
- What is an IEP - The Individualized Education Program is a legal document under United States law that is developed for each public school child in the U.S. who needs special education. It is created through a team of the child's parent and district personnel who are knowledgeable about the child's needs. Wikipedia
- What is a 504 -The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment.
- What some Minor Infractions could be; Minor infractions are those that are commonly handled by teachers in a classroom. Here are just a few: Disrupting class, Defiance, insolence, insults, Noncompliance.
- What are some Major Infractions; Major infractions are those that warrant the intervention of a school administrator. Here are a few: Disruptive behavior, Harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing and retaliation
Can my child get an IEP due to emotional problems -Yes, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) can certainly include emotional supports as well as emotional goals and objectives. It's common for a
2. Specifies requirements for special education teachers. When used with respect to any public elementary school or secondary school special education teacher teaching in a state, “highly qualified” means that: • The teacher has obtained full state certification as a special education teacher (including certification obtained through alternative routes to certification), or passed the state special education teacher licensing examination, and holds a license to teach in the state as a special education teacher, except that when used with respect to any teacher teaching in a public charter school, the term means that the teacher meets the requirements set forth in the state's public charter school law; The teacher has not had special education certification or licensure requirements waived on an emergency, temporary or provisional basis; and • The teacher holds at least a bachelor's degree.
Edutopia gives 3 Ways School Counselors Can Boost SEL - Proves my argument above, teachers are Counselors now or Non Certified Teacher acting as Specialist intervention and implementing and intervention called (IEP AKA Intervention Education Plan or a 504 Plan)
SEL is a intervention program being sold to school and teachers who are not Certified under the law and is implementing them into the classroom using Non Special Education Teachers and making them Special Education intervention Teachers who are not qualified or certified as Required under Federal Educational Laws.
- What is the role of student support professionals in fostering social and emotional learning (SEL) at the middle and high school levels? School counselors, psychologists, social workers, and other SSPs have many responsibilities, to which promoting SEL is typically an add-on. And we know that the context for SEL interventions in middle and high school is often one of time constraint.
- Ideas and techniques borrowed from popular psychology have aggressively inserted themselves into classroom practice, resulting in the rise of therapeutic education.
Each Parent should be concerned with what is happening at their school. Make sure you demand that your child be tested under IDEA before Intervention of SEL Social Emotional Learning to see if your child needs any Psychological help for their learning needs. Ask the Teacher you're are speaking to if they are Certified as required by Federal Law, IDEA! I am not an attorney and I am not giving any legal advice, to obtain legal advice or file a class-action lawsuit against any Educational System Regards to Federal Education Laws contact an Attorney who Specializes in Education Law (IDEA)
If you don't find the word (intervention) Highlighted in Yellow above, please leave a comment. Tomato or Tomatoe! LOL
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Dare Challenge Learn Response: (You said: This is not correct. There is a process, through IDEA, where a student could be referred for evaluations. Special education teachers are not certified nor are they qualified to make a determination of a child in need of special education. )
ReplyDeleteMy Response - Yes, any Special Education Teachers must be certified by Law. At anytime you can ask the school for an evaluation on your child.
(You Said: It involves a referral (due to lack of progress in academic functioning, behaviors, to name a few) to an entire team which includes parents, regular education teachers, special education teachers, speech/language therapists, school psychologist, director of special education. The child must be academically in need, hence the term Individual Education Program (IEP), focus on education. The IEP involves academic strengths and weaknesses. It is not based on SEL.)
My Response- I never said the evaluation determination for an IEP or 504 Plan was based on SEL. I said SEL is being implemented into the entire classrooms as an Intervention. I did mention a Team of people and as you proved my point by the following; Professionals who are involved regular education teachers, special education teachers, speech/language therapists, school psychologist, director of special education. SEL is based off the premise of Psychology and Surveys in which teachers are getting a training course and implementing a form of Psychology and when the child is deemed with a learning disability the intervention team and parent writes up a plan and all have to agree on the IEP or 504 plan. The SEL Intervention program is by passing all that and giving the Teacher a Social Emotional Learning technique based on a variety of Infractions on students and behavioral problems that come along with interventions as some IEP or 504 Plan include.
(You Said: As for a 504 plan, that requires medical documentation, from a physician, showing documentation of a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, such as seeing, hearing, physical conditions, communication, physical movements. These are not handed out easily. The documentation must be observed over a long period of time and to a marked degree. )
My Response- I also mentioned determination by a physician and there can be many other problems that alludes to a child with a learning disability. I am saying that SEL shouldn’t be acting as any Psychologist and acting as a Physician and the whole premise children need special intervention in the classroom by Social Emotional Learning and giving it to teachers and not a team of people to implement as under the LAW of IDEA, the steps it’s takes implement an intervention plan. SEL is selling a package of psychological techniques on children with no Federal oversight.
(You said - While a goal may be part of the IEP, for SEL, it would require the team to agree. The entire US worked for many years to reduce the need for special services, trying to reduce it to under 20% eligibility. Let’s not go backwards. Let’s keep all students integrated in the classroom where they learn best. Thank you.)
My Response- When a Child gets an IEP or a 504 Plan depending on how the plan is written of course the team and parents want the child to be in the same classroom with other classmates and not singled out, the teacher that is in the classroom is aware of the plan and helps implements the plan, certified professionals and parent who wrote the plan want the child to experience no discrimination due to a disability.
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