Showing posts with label Critical Race Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Critical Race Theory. Show all posts

Friday, January 28, 2022

The future can be predictable it's a true brain changer. A part of America Society is Woke or Unwoke.


A Brain Changer

Please read and look at the photo and change the wording to Equity, SEL, CRT, Social Reform, Mandates, or any other words that changes the Brain Structure of a child or citizen.

I know you might find the following not believable of what I am about to tell you. Just like all those Survey studies given to all schools across the Nation, SEL.

A restruck of your brain and child who's brain is still being in the early development stages and even an older child can have his/her brain rewired to think differently.

CRT, SEL, Social Reform that went unnoticed by parents. The true nature of the intent by people on children or it’s citizen. Predictable, you do this this and this and you get this the predictable responses, and the response can be in any form, fear, anger, confusion, over loaded information on a child.

It is now more predictable of your child’s Emotional Responses. SEL indeed changes the structure of a Childs brain. It's quite the deception.

A part of America Society is Woke or Unwoke? The people who do such tactics on America's Society already know what the Predictable responses that would occur. Hence, they had thousands of days to do so and it went unnoticed. As I would assume planned that way.

When looking at the following photo try to see it in a perspective of your brain and use the current jargon given to you, your child, educator, your places of employment. Equity, Social Emotional Learning, CRT, negative words on Society in general.

Put your words on this brain and tell me what is the predictability you see?

Look at it from the perspective the Brain Injury that occurs emotionally on a child when people who implemented such as SEL, CRT, Social Reform, and the predictability they knew would be the outcome on a child or society.

Education needs to revamp right this very second and change the Government actions on Americas Children. SEL, CRT, Equity is all a Brain Changer.
It really is the utmost urgent matter stopping what is occurring to America's Children and Society.

It is harder to recover from Emotional Brain Injury and some never recover.

The Future can be predictable.


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Dr. Gholdy Muhammad Tell The Truth Genius. DCL: Critiquing Black History Not Being Taught Accurately to K-12th Students In America.

Now you Know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Vocabulary Lesson Turns Into Slavespeak In America's Education System It's Not What You Think.




Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms; in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning.
Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in contravention to one's own memories or sense of reality. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy.

Political Slavespeak consists of terrocrat words -- words that give terrocrats advantages over their victims; words that -- if accepted, believed, and used -- put victims at a disadvantage.


DoubleSpeak, Double Talk, Double Think and SlaveSpeak all in which are brainwashing tactics to make you think differently and they know how it works. Who makes up words? People. Who says those words and meanings? People. 

  • Benefits of Understanding Slavespeak Once you understand political Slavespeak (the language used to establish and maintain master-slave relationships), you become very aware of how those who don't understand Slavespeak can be dominated, subjugated, and controlled by words -- essentially enslaved by words. Correspondingly, you become impervious to external control through words. In other words, you enjoy more freedom -- you have more options available to you. 

Examples: Snowflakes and Karen's. You might think those words are just a fad but they are not they are placed into the Political Arena and in Social Society Arena to have a particular meaning. 

  1. Snowflakes are Whites who whine - Snowflakes is Snow that fall from the sky.
  2. Karen's are White Women who complain. - Karen is a Name of a female.
    • Whitopia:  
    • Topia Extracted from utopia -the name of a fictional island possessing a seemingly perfect socio-politico-legal system in the book Utopia (1516.)  
    • Place White with Topia derived from Utopia and it's fictional made to be non fiction. 
    • DoubleSpeak - distorts from the truth or fact from even the origins of the word and it's meaning
    • Utopia world in which everything and everyone works in perfect harmony. Doesn't exist - Non Reality.

One would be Political Slavespeak and the other Society Slavespeak and all above are Social Society Slavespeak, Doublethink and Double Talk. When one Political party can get the other party to use them and not even know that's occurring and change your mind about the politician or one's beliefs and new words introduced into Society or the education system even if it not true or reality it's done on purpose to alter your thinking and perception.  

Like all the new lingo placed on Children in SEL, CRT and whatever else they want to implement It's done on purpose to make you rethink and what the meanings of words are. The pros who do this type of activity are people such as Dictators, Kings, people of importance and people with an agenda. The MSM has also used Slavespeak and Politicians do to on American's.

It is Full Throttle on Words in America's Education System. You have a variety of psychological tactics happening with words and those that do this are criminal! It's actually full blown brainwashing and (FullThrottle - Gaslighting.) Full Throttle is a word I came up with in 2018 because I was a gaslighted victim. Anyone can make up a word and give it a meaning.

Now when you see a list of Words being used in Schools, you can tell them NO MORE SLAVESPEAK - Double Talk or when you Watch the news or when you listen to a politician speak or listen to Brainwashers at a school Now you know!

Critical Thinking for yourself goes a long way if you know what to think or who's making you think or implying what you should think. Confused? That's intent after-all isn't it?

Words never leave the brain once they are implanted.

Definition of Full Throttle: a person who has been physically harmed and mentally abused, witnessed abuse, controlled and tortured by the hands of somebody and gaslighted.

Here is a link to THE ANATOMY OF SLAVESPEAK you might have to read it a couple of times to fully get the gist of it.


Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links. Please visit one of them to support me to continue to Dare Challenge Learn.

Monday, November 22, 2021

2021 Obituary For Schools in Rhode Island -124 Pages Of Step By Step Brainwashing Tactic Manual.

If you're white, do not speak, this is not your fight, you are here to listen and learn,  don't take that platform from us at these protests.

If you're white, use your body to protect black/brown people - police are more likely to at least hesitate to cause harm.

"It's a Death" in society against America's Children, against the Educational System in America. The Education we have always known is dying. Undeniable indoctrination and brainwashing at the highest levels possible.  I believe anyone who see's the following information will only come to one conclusion, It's propaganda Brainwashing!

Children in America without a shadow of a doubt are being harmed by brainwashing in their schools!

Chariho school district. Psych Eval Cost. You can click on the link or scroll down to the bottom of this page Chariho School Committee Virtual Meeting ðŸ‘ˆPDF link

The demographics.  I thought CRT was because of Urban Schools needed more Social Emotional Learning and Critical Race Theory and Equity.  The majority of people are White in Chariho and people married and we know the Radicals believes that White people need re-educated and that white people have to much!

What you will be reading will either get you to cry or become outrage with anger. Before you become outrage do not do anything to get yourself arrested at the school,  students are currently in school and their safety comes first.  

Below is what is being taught in Chariho School District, it's 124 Pages of Indoctrination Brainwashing Technique Step by Step Manual Propaganda you'd see in a 3rd World Country but it's not its right here in America! All psychological bullshit and you believe the material is healthy for children? You wouldn't even find that garbage in ANY Mental Health Facility.  

Lets just all now understand what has been happening to our Children, a Crime. Highest of all crimes, pure Communisms Style Brainwashing Indoctrination Tactics you'd see in China or Russia and America has been warned for over 40 years! It's happening folks. 

How do you change a Whole Country? By it's Children with Brainwashing Tactics!

Here is the kind of Response I get from people who are for Indoctrination on children (SICKNESS

Here is just a sampling Do's & Don'ts 
(Tips for protest!!
It gets worse! 
Scroll Down Read The Manual!


  • Wear a face mask to protect against COVID but also avoid facial recognition software
  • Cover as much of your body as possible
  • Wear goggles
  • Turn off location services, face ID/touch ID, and create a 6 digit passcode
  • If you're white, use your body to protect black/brown people - police are more likely to at least hesitate to cause harm
  • Cover identifying features
  • Don't take photos/videos of peoples faces - black them out if you do
  • Don't post original photos, screenshot the image and post it to get rid of metadata
  • Do not show up to a protest for photo opportunities: be there to support and protect, not to exploit and brag about your "activism"
  • If you're white, do not speak, this is not your fight, you are here to listen and learn, don't take that platform from us at these protests



NOT HEALTHY AT ALL!  171 staff members responded to the survey.

Board Consent Agenda Items

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

Hey America's Parents are you listed as a Domestic Terrorist? FBI, CID Threat Tag EDUOFFICAL Documents.


Hey America's Parents are you listed as a Domestic Terrorist?

See Peeples Letter regarding Tag EDUOFFICAL and Jim Jordan Ranking Member Letter to FBI Director Chris Wray.

Jim Jordan asking for:

"In light of the whistleblower disclosure, we request that you provide the following additional documents and information:
1. Provide the number of parents who have been tagged by FBI with the EDUOFFICIALS
threat tag;"

3 ways to download and share:


Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links, please visit one of them to support me to continue Dare Challenge Learn. All sources in post can be found at their websites, if you find an error with any of the Source Links please contact me.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

BLAMING Fox News Trump And Proud Boys To Entice Violence Over CRT Shown On The Original Sept 29th Letter From Sources NSBA Used.


Question is: What is the real reason AG Merrick Garland wrote the Memo? Maybe the Propaganda Blaming Fox News, Trump and even mentions the Proud Boys and Militias. Did you see the sources NSBA used? 

As we all see that Merrick Garland jump the gun and brought in the FBI, Homeland Security.  You can clearly see that NSBA believes that Conservative Parents or anyone against the Covid School Mandates and CRT are terrorist and if you don't go along with the CRT or Covid Mandates you are attacked by radicals of which all those stats are left out.
Garland helping in the leftist left possible. What was written in the letter and what the NSBA attached to this letter are important key factors and their sources attached and additional sources will show you the narrative they had in mind. With all the Hoopla of Stats and saying that 95% of Teachers and Students support CRT, one would have to ask, How long have the 95% been brainwashed and gaslighted by the propaganda and who believes 95 Percent of Students and Teachers support CRT?

The denial by AG Merrick Garland is very apparent. Garland said the NSBA letter didn't influence his decisions in writing a Memo is total bull hockey. When you read what's in NSBA letter and sources used you can clearly see the intent. 

The Blame:


What you find on the original letter a link to ACLED and showing on their fact sheet shows a website Bookings, Titled (Why are states banning critical race theory.)  The first sentence mentions FOX NEWS blaming them and mentions how many times FOXNews mentions the word CRT. They also use a Chart of which they blame FOX NEWS.

The writer states CRT has become the new Boogie Man and the writers of the Article go on to sell the reader the propaganda and the website depicts a White Women yelling and other White Women.


Once again they use the same link above from Bookings a bias website who is for CRT. Bookings is used as a source for their stats and ACLED use words in a sentence like "Trump (Singled out CRT)" and use the word "Target." Those two words make the reader think negative. (A trend that CRT brings along -Negativity.)

ACLED Key Trends see additional Key Trends on Fact Sheet Below.
  • Since former President Donald Trump issued an executive order widely seen as an attempt to ban critical race theory (CRT) in September 2020, six states have moved forward with their own bans, legislation is pending in 16 more, and statewide school boards have prohibited the theory’s teaching in another three (Brookings, 2 July 2021) 
  • After former President Trump singled out CRT as the “target of an executive order” in September 2020

Proud Boys and Militias.

Proud Boy Leader was an informant and apparently on the Radar of the FBI. You didn't see the DOJ issuing a Memo.

ACLED Fact Sheet: In at least three events, militias and other militant right-wing actors have directly reacted to the perceived threat of CRT — engaging in 6% of anti-CRT protests in the country — though all anti-CRT events involving these actors have remained peaceful. Militia and militant right-wing engagement includes III% adherents who participated in an anti-CRT event in Kentucky on 22 June, members of the Proud Boys who participated in an event in New Hampshire on 23 June, and armed members of the United American Defense Force who participated in an event in Colorado on 24 June. Through participation in such demonstrations, militias and militant social movements normalize their activity around populist and conservative issues.

Nov 11, 2021 As of Wednesday, 26 states have distanced themselves from the NSBA’s letter: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Source

Original Letter was taken off the NSBA Website and can be found at Wayback Machine.

ACLED Fact Sheet attached to NSBA letter to Biden

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links. Please visit one of them to support me to continue to Dare Challenge Learn.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Brainwashed Baby CRT Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi. Brainwashing In the Political Arena

Understand that those who attempt to brainwash others tend to prey upon the weak and vulnerable.

What's Your Baby's Bar Code?

What's on your Daycare or School reading list?

Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi Concepts In Public Schools & Daycare?

Thank to Judicial Watch for obtaining Documents from Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland. Get the Exclusive Documents here
  • We received two sets of records related to the teaching of critical race theory, including a training course with information about a book titled “Antiracist Baby” that introduces the youngest readers to “the concept and power of antiracism,” and says it’s the “perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.”
Visit JudicialWatch 
Ibram X. Kendi’s picture book and says studies show that white parents are the least likely to engage with these issues with their children. They are the least likely to talk about racism with their children.
Kendi makes my point that White Parents aren't sitting around making race a issue for their children in their homes. Now in school learning Critical Race Theory that you look different and you are less than and that you must cater to the other race because of "You are born a racist?" 
As I said prior if you took 20 5 year olds and placed them in a room and they watched another person cry they would have a couple reactions: 
1. They would cry
2. They would want to help the person crying.
3. Making it a race issue in your home: you are different and each person should be treated differently would make one of the 20 or several of the 5 year olds first look at the person skin color. Would they not end up with lack of empathy and sympathy as they are taught at a young age by a book you look different so therefore you must be treated differently when you cry? 
The Human Connection Between Mother & Infant
When a child is born the bond between Mother and Infant is astonishing from the cry of the newborn to the senses, such as smell and sounds that Mother and Newborn have for one another. It's is amazing to feel and see. To take a newborn to age three and to even give it antiracist baby is going against all nature that is given to every women that has given birth. Kendi is no Mother, he hasn't a clue!


Opinion - Please think about the following. 

Brainwashing In the Political Arena: maybe you are Left, Right or in the Middle on your political beliefs what you should understand Political Brainwashing comes in many forms and so does Group Thinking in the Political Spectrum. 

American citizens are now being separated from the reality of how (Government Runs) a balance between two parties and now throwing young children in the mix to choose. 

Both Sides of the aisle are suppose to work together that is called UNITY and getting things done for the benefit for all. Recently I looked at a picture and children as young as 5 years old choosing a political party American households have become so divide and the entire United States is being Rocked by Brainwashing. 

Group Thought/Thinking is part of Socialism, it's showing on both sides of the political spectrum and there isn't any balance anymore. You must choose as young as 5 years old? Maybe that was the intent after all?

Look out for those who try to make being “part of the group” more attractive than the outside world. 


Have a Look at Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi. Illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky it made the New York Best Selling List For Children Books

The Following Article is from

Antiracist Baby: The picture book teaching toddlers about racism

Ibram X. Kendi’s picture book is for young children and the grown-ups in their lives. (Picture: Antiracist Baby/Penguin)

When is the right time to start talking to your children about racism and antiracism?

Author and academic Ibram X. Kendi thinks it is never to early to start these conversations – and he has written a picture book to help parents teach children from as young as three-years-old.

First published in summer last year, Antiracist Baby is the New York Times bestselling picture book that uses bold illustrations and thoughtful, yet playful, text to introduce the youngest readers and the grown ups in their lives to the concept of antiracism.

‘I wanted to have a tool to be able to talk about being antiracist with my young daughter,’ Ibram tells

‘We typically started conversations on many different topics using books, so why not race and being antiracist?

‘I also wanted to inspire a larger conversation among other parents about how important it is to have these conversations with our children.’

‘As early as three months, our babies start distinguishing race-faces.’ (Picture: Stephen Voss)

Antiracist Baby provides the language necessary to begin critical conversations at the earliest age, and Ibram says parents shouldn’t shy away from addressing these issues with their kids.

‘It is never too early to talk to children about racism,’ explains Ibram. ‘Just like it is never too early to teach kids to look both ways when they are crossing the street.

‘As early as three months, our babies start distinguishing race-faces. As early as two to three years old, our child start applying racist messages, like choosing who to play with based on skin color.

‘It is much easier to learn antiracist ideas than it is to unlearn racist ideas, as we adults know.’

‘I would encourage parents to use books as conversation starters.’ (Picture: Antiracist Baby/Penguin)

Ibram says studies show that white parents are the least likely to engage with these issues with their children. They are the least likely to talk about racism with their children.

He adds that adults whose parents talked to them about racism are more likely to recognise racism as a problem in adults and are therefore more likely not to ‘think people of color are a problem, and therefore more likely to be antiracist.’

A study in June 2020 found that 27% of white parents of children between 6 and 11 years old ‘never’ talk with their kids about the need for racial equality.

Another 15% said these conversations were ‘rare’ and 34% said they happened ‘on occasion.’

Those who are talking about race frequently take a ‘colourblind’ approach, which emphasises the sameness between people of different ethnicities, and plays down the importance of acknowledging race and racism.

Conversely, Ibram’s book encourages people to be actively antiracist, which he is says is far more important than simply not being racist, or saying that you ‘don’t see colour’.

‘I would encourage parents to use books as conversation starters,’ says Ibram. ‘And take your kids places where they can see racism, so they can ask why, so you can explain what’s happening: those bad rules instead of those bad people being the problem.

‘It is critical to not shy away from these conversations.’

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Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Teachers Are Being Re-Educated In Critical Race Theory


American educators don’t need the government’s encouragement to import these views into the classroom. CRT is in the pipeline, and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

 13, 2021

The critical race racket has become nearly ubiquitous in American education, as shown by the recent embrace of this radical ideology by America’s two largest teachers unions, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

As Jason Riley of the Wall Street Journal reports, “[a]t its annual meeting earlier this month, the NEA adopted a proposal stating that it is ‘reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory.’” The NEA also vowed to “‘fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric’ and issue a study that ‘critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society.’”

As Riley notes, the AFT has similarly embraced this radical orthodoxy sweeping academe, partnering with “Ibram X. Kendi, an activist-scholar who openly embraces racial discrimination against whites.” Riley points out the perverse irony of Kendi’s assertion in “How to be an Anti-Racist” that “[t]he only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” Some “anti-racism,” indeed.

The teachers unions’ embrace of a radical ideology that until only recently was the preserve of faculty lounges at elite liberal arts colleges shows just how quickly this worldview has become mainstream — not only in leftist circles, but increasingly, in elementary and secondary education as well. The great work of Heather MacDonald and Christopher Rufo in exposing the seepage of this pernicious doctrine into academia, corporate America, and even the military has shown just how rapidly CRT has come to dominate the national discourse.

This, despite gaslighting from the likes of AFT President Randi Weingarten, who claimed simultaneously that CRT is not being promulgated in America’s schools while pledging to defend, in a court of law if necessary, those teaching it.

To better understand how far CRT has been embedded into American education, we viewed more than a dozen webinars and lectures by leading social justice educators, CRT proponents, legal scholars, and elementary and secondary educators. They included: “How to Use the Books You Choose: Elevating the Status of Marginalized Identities in Children’s Literature through Classroom Teaching,” a February 9 webinar hosted by Boston University’s Wheelock College of Education; “Anti-Racist Teaching Practice,” a November 2020 webinar hosted by California State at Fullerton; “White Fragility,” a lecture by Robin DiAngelo (author of the noted book of the same name) hosted by the Family Action Network; and “Impacts of Racism on PK-12 Classrooms,” a February 2021 University of Iowa anti-racism professional development webinar series.

The lectures ran the gamut geographically and covered education at every level, from pre-kindergarten to the graduate level. What they revealed was nothing short of pure indoctrination. To fully appreciate the destructive quality of intersectional education — particularly in early childhood, when minds are malleable and nuance and perspective are elusive — we highlight what until recently few outside conservative think tanks seemed to fully appreciate: Critical race theory is being adopted in education at the earliest possible age with remarkable zeal.

Teaching Teachers to Radically Transform Curricula

Several of the webinars we viewed, including those sponsored by the Wheelock School of Education, were designed for elementary educators. It’s worth stressing that, lest one harbor any doubts about where American education is headed ideologically, these are programs that “teach the teachers.” What stood out is the nearly universal calls to radically transform, restructure, and reimagine curricula at every level to reflect critical race theory.

Take for example “Teaching History for Justice,” an April 30, 2021, webinar from Wheelock with Kaylene Stevens, program director for social studies education at Wheelock, and Chris Martell, assistant professor of social studies education at the University of Massachusetts Boston, co-authors of “Teaching History for Justice, Centering Activism in Students’ Study of the Past” (Teachers College Press, 2020). The webinar highlights the need to reorganize how social studies and history are taught.

For them, the “powerful individual”-based approach to teaching history, whereby students learn about leaders from Julius Caesar to Abraham Lincoln who have shaped history, is not only flawed but irredeemably grounded in white supremacy. What, then, should emerge to take its place?

For Stevens and Martell, the traditional approach must be supplanted by a movement-centered curriculum, one grounded in activist thinking, with the goal of encouraging students to become activists at the earliest possible age. Traditional models of instruction that aim to teach students to “think like a historian” or “think like a democratic citizen” are inherently lacking; they must be supplemented with “thinking like an activist.”

Figures they tell teachers are worthy of study, all cited approvingly, include Angela Davis (described as an “activist for racial and gender equity and democracy,” a “prison abolitionist,” and member of the Black Panther and Communist parties) and Marsha P. Johnson (an activist for queer and trans law and founding member of the Gay Liberation Front and Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries). If only Caesar had been an activist.

What’s more, Stevens and Martell ridicule a 19th-century history textbook that deigned to praise Lincoln as “one of the greatest of men.” Even more disturbingly, the authors lament that their book’s recommendations only begin with kindergarten, since anti-racist work would ideally start in early childhood settings.

Finally, sources with which students engage should rely less heavily on written texts and more on oral history and artifacts to better capture certain communities. The upshot of this new mode of instruction is more activism and indoctrination and less rigor — all at the earliest possible age. But don’t worry, they’re quick to remind us that “Teaching History for Justice” is “political but not partisan.” One can only help but wonder if some forms of activism are more encouraged than others.

As if this new mode of instruction is not bad enough, the luminaries at Boston University also determined that children’s books can be harnessed for CRT indoctrination. ​​In a seminar entitled “How to Use the Books You Choose: Elevating the Status of Marginalized Identities in Children’s Literature through Classroom Teaching,” Dr. Andrea Bien and Dr. Laura Jiménez explain the emotional damage visited upon primary school-aged children —  particularly those that belong to “underrepresented” groups — due to a lack of self-representation in children’s literature.

Jiménez states, “As a Latina lesbian, I did not see myself reflected in a book until I was 47 years old. . . . What that tells me is that my experience, my identity, my place in the world is not worthy of inclusion in literature.” To right this supposed wrong, the speakers posit that including more politically correct stories in children’s curricula must only come with the erasure of what they consider to be harmful or outdated books.

To the speakers, “The Rainbow Fish,” a children’s classic used by teachers nationwide to teach our youth about the values of friendship and sharing with others, ought to be promptly removed from classrooms. Why? Because the protagonist of the story decides to share his colorful scales—his unique and defining characteristic—with others as a token of friendship.

For Bien and Jiménez, this is not a kind and selfless act, but a harmful message to any child who does not fit the supposed societal norm that they must “mutilate” themselves to fit in. In the opinion of the speakers, the societal norm in the United States of America excludes any person that is not “white, straight, cis, Christian, male, and able[bodied].”  “The Rainbow Fish” is, unfortunately, a singular example in this seminar’s hour-long crusade to reshape children’s literature in the United States for an alleged lack of attention to racial identities.

Make no mistake. The purpose of this seminar and countless others like it isn’t to simply engage in friendly discussion or debate. Rather, the purpose is to influence teachers from coast to coast to fundamentally reconstruct what and how America’s children are taught in schools.

Brazen Calls to Target Even the Youngest Children

What stood out as most striking across the board is how brazen social justice “educators” are in their calls for the transformation of America’s elementary education into little more than social justice bootcamps, while union leaders and liberal elected officials vociferously deny that CRT is being taught at all. After all, several of these “experts” contend that to refrain from this method of teaching is to set down a “hidden” or “implicit” curriculum, a tacit narrative inculcated by not teaching what ought to be taught. The message is clear: Teach this nonsense or you are complicit in oppression — or worse.

Another example of this weaponization of elementary education for ideological ends was a social justice webinar hosted by Be GLAD, a self-described “national organization providing professional development to states, districts, and schools” serving as “a professional development model in the area of academic language acquisition and literacy.” Perhaps most concerning, Be GLAD boasts the imprimatur of being a “U.S. Department of Education Program of Academic Excellence.”

Designed to train elementary school teachers in social justice education, the webinar covered the usual topics of “systemic racism” and “microaggressions,” toeing the leftist line that virtually every facet of American life is saturated in racism — from the banking and housing systems, to criminal justice, public health, and education. Calls for “systemic anti-racism,” a supposed panacea for these ills, include some familiar appeals to “[d]ismantle[] barriers,” and some novel ones perhaps unfamiliar to a lay (read: “rational”) audience, such as “[d]ecolonization of the mind.” Well, that’s a tall order for 7-year-olds.

Most jarring of all is how the presenters lauded the use of a “Black Lives Matter Process Grid,” in which students map out their identities, presented in tabular form and replete with corresponding lists of those with a “power advantage” (unsurprisingly straight, white, Christian males) and those with “oppressed disadvantage,” broken down by age, social class, gender, race, ethnicity, language, ability, sexual orientation, and religion.

In nearly every webinar reviewed, the presenters go out of their way to dismiss the idea that this methodology constitutes indoctrination. It goes without saying that encouraging teachers to educate that colorblindness is inherently racist and that diversity can be oppressive hardly encourages independent thought.

Sadly, this approach seems to be working. For example, in a webinar hosted by Cal State Fullerton’s College of Education entitled “Anti-Racist Teaching Practice,” speaker Monique Marshall, an elementary school teacher, presented the audience a video clip of a 6-year-old student. In the video, when asked to define his “multicultural identity,” the young boy began his response by stating that the color of his skin defined his “outside identity,” which elicited smiles from the presenting speakers.

To be clear, there are people with whom we trust the education of our youth who actively encourage children to view the color of their skin as an individual’s defining characteristic, thus dividing their students along the lines of race and identity. A far cry from “not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” After all, for CRT enthusiasts, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s noble aspiration is not merely impractical but a concession to injustice and oppression.

Grassroots Resistance Must Continue

So where does this leave us? These seminars and workshops show CRT is no longer “fringe” but is well within the mainstream of elementary and secondary education. It’s no longer confined to post-secondary and graduate levels.

Therefore, recent grassroots efforts to combat this dangerous ideology are imperative. They symbolize that parents are finally giving the issue the attention it deserves.

While it may provide a minute’s solace that the Biden administration’s Department of Education removed express references to CRT from its July 19 notice in the Federal Register soliciting grant applications, these seminars demonstrate that American educators don’t need the government’s encouragement to import these views into the classroom. CRT is in the pipeline, and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

Continuing to expose its advance is necessary so American elementary and secondary education can escape the grips of a worldview that, despite its professed aim of racial progress, is deeply flawed and divisive.

Peter Kirsanow is a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Christopher Ross served as a legal intern at the commission and is in his third year at the University of Mississippi School of Law. Maximos N. Nikitas, who is a second year at Notre Dame Law School, also served as a legal intern at the commission and as speechwriter to U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt.

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