Sunday, November 14, 2021

SHOCKING! Exclusive Video And Google Drive Of Arizona School Board President Father Jann-Michael Greenburg

Scottsdale school board President Jann-Michael Greenburg
(Scottsdale Unified School District)
Dare & Challenge To Hold All Accountable!


After Fox News Article "Arizona school district says independent investigator will examine alleged dossier of parents"  I posted the following on all my Facebook Groups I am on: "Against Critical Race Theory" and helping people as much as I can and I know all to well what can be done to parent/child in the School Setting.
"I think I am going to throw up! I'm having a PTSD moment. This man should be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law in which is possible. Cyber Crimes and Stalking and Doxxing and a whole slew of other charges they can find! 
Why do I feel this way? As you have been made of aware what happened to my child and the dysfunction by so called professional Educators and so called Professional Councilors and even a School Psychologist involved. Targeting and bullying and destroying a child and a parent. To my surprise after even dealing with legal aid who did absolutely nothing and I am doing everything possible I can for my son I get all my child's education records! I suggest to all parents you do the same. You might be surprised of what you might find! There is a envelope in my child's education files! What do I find? I find Hippa Law Violation: Private medical records sent to the school and it even had mentioned my personal information and of course no one would believe me and everyone else covered their asses! 
Till this day no one has been prosecuted for anything these so called professional did to my child and breaking laws. Just disgusted at what these people have lowered themselves to, Arizona, here in Ohio and across America."



Source Independent Newsmedia - A group of mothers in the Scottsdale Unified School District community are questioning an online dossier that has digital connections to school board President Jann-Michael Greenburg and his father, Mark.

The Greenburgs deny any involvement or knowledge of the Google Drive in question, however the active link to the site was made private around 11 a.m. Nov. 9, after Independent Newsmedia called the family.

The digital dossier is housed on Google Drive and contains content, including photos of district parents and at least one minor, personal financial documents, including professional certifications, and mortgage statements.



You will find the Digital Dossier 📁Can Network📂 packed with what you call Stalking!

Even More Shocking Video! 👇


RESPONSE BY Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD)


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You might like to read about what was done to my Teen Son. No one in Ohio has ever been held accountable for what they have done and participated in! Legal Aid in Cleveland, Ohio knows what they didn't do for my son! They Swept it under the rug! 👇
Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Saturday, November 13, 2021

BLAMING Fox News Trump And Proud Boys To Entice Violence Over CRT Shown On The Original Sept 29th Letter From Sources NSBA Used.


Question is: What is the real reason AG Merrick Garland wrote the Memo? Maybe the Propaganda Blaming Fox News, Trump and even mentions the Proud Boys and Militias. Did you see the sources NSBA used? 

As we all see that Merrick Garland jump the gun and brought in the FBI, Homeland Security.  You can clearly see that NSBA believes that Conservative Parents or anyone against the Covid School Mandates and CRT are terrorist and if you don't go along with the CRT or Covid Mandates you are attacked by radicals of which all those stats are left out.
Garland helping in the leftist left possible. What was written in the letter and what the NSBA attached to this letter are important key factors and their sources attached and additional sources will show you the narrative they had in mind. With all the Hoopla of Stats and saying that 95% of Teachers and Students support CRT, one would have to ask, How long have the 95% been brainwashed and gaslighted by the propaganda and who believes 95 Percent of Students and Teachers support CRT?

The denial by AG Merrick Garland is very apparent. Garland said the NSBA letter didn't influence his decisions in writing a Memo is total bull hockey. When you read what's in NSBA letter and sources used you can clearly see the intent. 

The Blame:


What you find on the original letter a link to ACLED and showing on their fact sheet shows a website Bookings, Titled (Why are states banning critical race theory.)  The first sentence mentions FOX NEWS blaming them and mentions how many times FOXNews mentions the word CRT. They also use a Chart of which they blame FOX NEWS.

The writer states CRT has become the new Boogie Man and the writers of the Article go on to sell the reader the propaganda and the website depicts a White Women yelling and other White Women.


Once again they use the same link above from Bookings a bias website who is for CRT. Bookings is used as a source for their stats and ACLED use words in a sentence like "Trump (Singled out CRT)" and use the word "Target." Those two words make the reader think negative. (A trend that CRT brings along -Negativity.)

ACLED Key Trends see additional Key Trends on Fact Sheet Below.
  • Since former President Donald Trump issued an executive order widely seen as an attempt to ban critical race theory (CRT) in September 2020, six states have moved forward with their own bans, legislation is pending in 16 more, and statewide school boards have prohibited the theory’s teaching in another three (Brookings, 2 July 2021) 
  • After former President Trump singled out CRT as the “target of an executive order” in September 2020

Proud Boys and Militias.

Proud Boy Leader was an informant and apparently on the Radar of the FBI. You didn't see the DOJ issuing a Memo.

ACLED Fact Sheet: In at least three events, militias and other militant right-wing actors have directly reacted to the perceived threat of CRT — engaging in 6% of anti-CRT protests in the country — though all anti-CRT events involving these actors have remained peaceful. Militia and militant right-wing engagement includes III% adherents who participated in an anti-CRT event in Kentucky on 22 June, members of the Proud Boys who participated in an event in New Hampshire on 23 June, and armed members of the United American Defense Force who participated in an event in Colorado on 24 June. Through participation in such demonstrations, militias and militant social movements normalize their activity around populist and conservative issues.

Nov 11, 2021 As of Wednesday, 26 states have distanced themselves from the NSBA’s letter: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Source

Original Letter was taken off the NSBA Website and can be found at Wayback Machine.

ACLED Fact Sheet attached to NSBA letter to Biden

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links. Please visit one of them to support me to continue to Dare Challenge Learn.


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