Thursday, November 18, 2021

Our Nations Children Are Sick According to our Government. "How Parents Can Identify Illegal Psych Techniques In The Classrooms of America" Anita Hoge

Psychotherapy? Who's paying for the Medical Cost? Schools getting paid for medical services rendered on children!
Social Emotional Learning.

My hope is for anyone reading my post today is you do some research on what is happening to our Nations Children and what those Educational Polices and Medical Polices haven't did anything for the benefit of all children! Medical Claims and payments to schools used to be strictly under IDEA - children with disabilities. 

Everyone is making a buck in psychotherapy!


Helping states and school districts expand access to Medicaid-funded school health services.

This became known as the “free care policy reversal” — a misnomer of sorts, as the decision didn’t interfere with healthcare provided for free. Rather, the original policy had prohibited Medicaid reimbursement for school health services if the same services were provided free of charge to the general student population unless the services were specifically included in a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), or delivered through the Maternal and Child Health Block grant. Even though the federal policy shift opened the door to greater financial support for states and school districts, most states did not immediately take advantage of it. Many states had codified the original CMS policy, stating that districts could only seek reimbursement for health services delivered under a student’s IEP or IFSP. Several had formalized the original policy in state law.

As of September 2021, 16 states have successfully expanded their school-based Medicaid programs, most through a state plan amendment, with more states working to do so. The School Medicaid Programs Map shows where each state is in the process.

Increasingly, states and school districts see expanding school-based Medicaid programs as an opportunity to bring in additional resources to expand access to health services for vulnerable students. And, as school districts consider how to meet increased demand for mental health services in schools, policymakers are considering every available option to build capacity at the state and local levels.


If all the Psychological babble was so great for Children in the Classroom how come we have so many sick people implementing garbage into the minds of our nations children? Not free thought, or freedom of expression, not even individualism but changing society to think one way and one way only.  Was that the intent after-all? How do you change a whole nation? You do at a young age by it's children and the school even gets paid by the state if you have Medicaid

😢 As a Mother who has witnessed professional Child Abusers and no one would listen or believe me I want to alert everyone reading my post their are people who deliberately harm children in all professions may it be school, hospitals or a group of people who are sick and will harm a child on purpose and I have the proof with millions of dollars in health care cost!  Your tax dollars pays for it or your healthcare premiums you pay!  

As a society in whole are we mentally ill Mothers and Fathers? Does your Child need Psychological Care by people who are not trained professionals in the classroom with your child's mental health care needs? The government thinks so. It's even covered through Medicaid and they want to expand coverage.  See Below 98 Pages Ready, Set, Go, Review: Screening for Behavioral Health Risk in Schools 

  • ALL students will be identified as "at-risk" allowing government access to ALL children under Common Core, Title I, and IDEA to receive mental health services, treatment, and interventions. (Anita Hodge Source Link)

I am shocked and in disbelieve that all children in school must have some form of behavior problems and those need to be addressed by a child's school? Who sends their child off for the first day of school and thinks "Yippy my Childs needs behavioral training?"  Did you even know that was going to occur on the first day of school? I am guessing nobody told you your child has issues and needs training even he or she is a well adjusted child. 

  • What is Psychologythe study of the mind and behavior, according to the American Psychological Association. It is the study of the mind, how it works, and how it affects behavior. A psychologist treats a patient through psychotherapy, helping to relieve symptoms through behavioral change

The more I look into all the Psychological bullshit being placed on children the more I come to realize our schools across America have become mentally ill.  I am also learning that Congressman and Senators help create this monster in our school systems.   

Meet a Champion Anita Hoge  who has been writing about what has been taken place even before you were called the American Parent Terrorist.

Anita Explained (Education Policies) and how intrusive the new SEL and it's behavioral changer will happen in the Education System, nobody listen to her or did they? They heard her but chose not to believe her or help her.  When people have an agenda they will stop at no ends to enforce it and even includes harming children.  I think at this point the only way is to hold every politician accountable for the circumstances we are in as they got us here!   

I cannot stress enough to you take some time to review what she has wrote on the two websites below.  Please read "How Parents Can Identify Illegal Psych Techniques In The Classrooms of America" By Anita Hodge

The more you know what has taken place the better you can counteract what is being done to your child or any child.   

I pray that children will be saved from the hands of people who just have bad intentions and as you can see some just don't care what they do do your child.  CRT, SEL all that psychological babble is just that psychological abuse. #savethechildren

"Parents, are you reading this? Your federal Congressman and Senator passed this legislation mandating your schools apply high-risk psychological techniques in the classroom without your permission, without your consent, AND, with unqualified teachers being trained to identify your normal child with mental health problems."

Get pdf version "How Parents Can Identify Illegal Psych Techniques In The Classrooms of America" READ 👇

how educators train your ch... by api-203923041

Ready, Set, Go, Review: Screening for Behavioral Health Risk in Schools

You might like to read about what was done to my Teen Son. No one in Ohio has ever been held accountable for what they have done and participated in! Legal Aid in Cleveland, Ohio knows what they didn't do for my son! They Swept it under the rug! 👇 

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links, please visit one of them to support me to continue Dare Challenge Learn. All sources in post can be found at their websites, if you find an error with any of the Source Links please contact me.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

SHOCKING! Exclusive Video And Google Drive Of Arizona School Board President Father Jann-Michael Greenburg

Scottsdale school board President Jann-Michael Greenburg
(Scottsdale Unified School District)
Dare & Challenge To Hold All Accountable!


After Fox News Article "Arizona school district says independent investigator will examine alleged dossier of parents"  I posted the following on all my Facebook Groups I am on: "Against Critical Race Theory" and helping people as much as I can and I know all to well what can be done to parent/child in the School Setting.
"I think I am going to throw up! I'm having a PTSD moment. This man should be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law in which is possible. Cyber Crimes and Stalking and Doxxing and a whole slew of other charges they can find! 
Why do I feel this way? As you have been made of aware what happened to my child and the dysfunction by so called professional Educators and so called Professional Councilors and even a School Psychologist involved. Targeting and bullying and destroying a child and a parent. To my surprise after even dealing with legal aid who did absolutely nothing and I am doing everything possible I can for my son I get all my child's education records! I suggest to all parents you do the same. You might be surprised of what you might find! There is a envelope in my child's education files! What do I find? I find Hippa Law Violation: Private medical records sent to the school and it even had mentioned my personal information and of course no one would believe me and everyone else covered their asses! 
Till this day no one has been prosecuted for anything these so called professional did to my child and breaking laws. Just disgusted at what these people have lowered themselves to, Arizona, here in Ohio and across America."



Source Independent Newsmedia - A group of mothers in the Scottsdale Unified School District community are questioning an online dossier that has digital connections to school board President Jann-Michael Greenburg and his father, Mark.

The Greenburgs deny any involvement or knowledge of the Google Drive in question, however the active link to the site was made private around 11 a.m. Nov. 9, after Independent Newsmedia called the family.

The digital dossier is housed on Google Drive and contains content, including photos of district parents and at least one minor, personal financial documents, including professional certifications, and mortgage statements.



You will find the Digital Dossier 📁Can Network📂 packed with what you call Stalking!

Even More Shocking Video! 👇


RESPONSE BY Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD)


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You might like to read about what was done to my Teen Son. No one in Ohio has ever been held accountable for what they have done and participated in! Legal Aid in Cleveland, Ohio knows what they didn't do for my son! They Swept it under the rug! 👇
Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links, please visit one of them to support me to continue Dare Challenge Learn. All sources in post can be found at their websites, if you find an error with any of the Source Links please contact me. Sources:,270628 - - -


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