Friday, November 26, 2021

Learn - The 'New' Fad Corrupting Our Schoolchildren Is Not So New


First and foremost I want to give everyone a piece of one of the most remarkable women who has been writing about America's Educational System and it's polices, I have learned more in one hour just by the reading the following article and where it has led me to see what and whom has destroyed America's Education System.  

As a parent I would never give my child a pack of matches and tell the child to go outside and play with them, I can't say our Government looked out for the wellbeing of children. I hope you take time to dig in and learn what has taken place and I hope not just as Parents but all American's of all Races who care about the future of our children and our nation. How do you change a whole Country? By it's children. I am not Anti Government I don't believe our Government. The Government changed America's Children by very bad policy in the classroom and throughout 130,930 schools K-12.

Knowledge is power: The way you change things is by knowledge and how empowering that can be to change and demand change in America's Education Policies. I believe you the reader reading my post can be empowered and make it possible. Children in America should be your top priority and let our Government know that We as people of The United States Of America will not tolerate their dysfunction and junk Education polices and I hope never once you believe as moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, educators or politicians we are out of time and it's to late to change, the Government got us here and we have to push back and take action and write new Education Policies. I hope your in it for the long haul!  

Please read the following Article its very important and that you take time to read and read the links she has attached to her article for a current understanding to empower yourselves for your child and for your families. 

Please share this post with everyone so we can empower all the parents in this fight against people in their Dystopia and the Indoctrination Marxist Ideology dysfunction on America's Children.

Meet Dr. Carole Hornsby HaynesEducation Analyst and Policy Advisor, Curriculum Specialist. 

As they learn more about social and emotional learning (SEL) with its data-mining, parents are in an uproar.  They're demanding an opt-out and deletion of all stored data.  Some believe that if we can stop the leftward lurch of America, we can "turn our schools around" and use SEL as it was "initially intended."

But was the initial purpose of SEL really to teach appropriate social behavior and support "mental wellness" and "management of emotions," or is there a sinister underside?

SEL's Occult Connections

The term "social and emotional learning" was coined in 1994 at a meeting hosted by the Fetzer Institute, founded by New Age guru John Fetzer. Fetzer was obsessed with Alice Bailey, the controversial occultist and organizer of the Lucis Trust.  Robert Muller, former assistant secretary-general of the U.N., authored the World Core Curriculum that introduces students worldwide to occult thought.  A member of the Lucis Trust, his underlying philosophy was based on the teachings of Alice Bailey.

The Origins of SEL

The public assumes that SEL is just the latest education fad.  However, psychologists in the early twentieth century were tinkering around with children's minds, trying to figure out how to condition them for specific behaviors.  Colleges of education are especially fond of teaching about Pavlov's dogs to show how children can be "trained" like animals to obey commands.

John Dewey, dean of American progressive education, believed that the classroom should be used for social and political change at the expense of academic learning.  A fan of Soviet education, Dewey introduced similar techniques in American education to train students for the workforce instead of providing a broad academic foundation.

SEL was key in Marc Tucker's German-based plan to centralize education and change it from academic to workforce training for a nationally managed economy.  His master plan, laid out in the 1992 infamous "Dear Hillary letter," was implemented by Goals 2000, the School-to-Work Act, and the Workforce Investment Act.

After decades of this socialist-style education and psychological conditioning, the American workforce has gone from being the best educated in the industrialized world to the worst.

SEL / Mental Health in Federal and State Programs

SEL first gained a foothold in federal law with Clinton's Goals 2000, designed to change student attitudes, values, and beliefs.  States had to adopt the statute's National Education Goals to get federal funding through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).  The ESEA's reauthorization as Goals 2000 mandated state curriculum standards and standardized tests, circumventing local control.

This led to more federalized control with No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top/Common Core, and the Every Student Succeeds Act.  SEL was key in all of these.

Goals 2000 was reauthorized under Bush as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) with heavy-handed federal intrusion and mental health grants for young children.  The Obama administration allocated more than $150 million in mental health grants to test and collect personal data of K–12 students.  Under Texas's Governor Abbott, mental health clinics have been added to public school campuses.  Now we're seeing the government taking more control with vaccination clinics on campuses.  The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaced No Child Left Behind, provides many opportunities for SEL funding through Titles I, II, IV, VI, and VIII.

State pre-K standards are frequently aligned to Head Start and the National Association for the Education of Young Children that use Critical Race Theory terminology.  Through these, SEL with Critical Race Theory is key in most American early childhood programs.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is now testing for social-emotional characteristics, a violation of federal law, and the Fourth Amendment right to privacy.

Common Core Déjà Vu

Despite a public firestorm when student academic performance spiraled downward with Common Core, the curriculum standards were not abolished at the local or state level.  Instead, they were codified at the federal level in ESSA.  Instead of ending NCLB and returning educational control to the states, ESSA actually cemented federal control.

Not only did ESSA codify Common Core, but it changed the primary purpose of education from academic to social and emotional learning (SEL).

Vehicle for CRT

Various provisions of ESSA either encourage or even require the inclusion of SEL in schools.  All SEL programs include sexuality, gender, race, racism, class, and the nuclear family.

The teacher union's NEA Global Learning Fellow and teacher, Wendy Turner, is quoted saying, "SEL is the foundation, the heartbeat of the classroom."  Does this indicate that CRT is the "foundation, the heartbeat of the classroom"?

The federal government is pushing SEL and Critical Race Theory into public schools through the American Rescue Plan 2021.  To receive federal grants, the school is required to spend at least 20% on SEL and "free, antiracist therapy for White educators" to get the grant.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), a leading SEL provider, lists several Critical Race Theory terms in its five core "Competencies with Equity Focus," including cultural competency, diversity, inequity, equity, racial equity, and inclusive.  Psychological manipulation is found in the "Self Awareness" core competency — "awareness of beliefs, mindsets, and biases" and "how they influence one's behavior."

More Billions for Billionaires

CASEL is funded by the usual left-wing billionaires: Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Robert Wood Johnson.

 For vendors, CRT programs mean new sales.  At the district and school levels, these programs are supported by a top-heavy staff earning six-figure salaries.  For investors, SEL is a golden goose.

Can Parents Opt Out of SEL Assignments?

Opting one's child out of SEL assignments sounds simple enough.  In reality, it's virtually impossible.  The U.S. Education Department's handbook, "Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students' Needs," states that not only is SEL taught explicitly, but "social and emotional skills, habits, and mindsets" are "integrated" broadly within the learning process.

With the vast entanglement of SEL at all levels, how can parents access, much less get deleted, all of the data collected in numerous settings over the years?


School boards and educators — even parents — have naïvely bought the Marxist bill of goods that SEL is vital to deal with student mental problems.  The fact is that public education has created the mental health crisis through its radical sex curriculum.  Youths have become violent, murderers, sociopaths, sex predators, and God-haters.

SEL is doing what it was initially intended to do: instill a new value system including socialism, population control, radical environmentalism, and LBGT.  With socialist workforce training and radical sex instead of academic learning, America now has a crazed youth and the dumbest workforce in the industrialized world.  This is a catastrophic threat to our national economy.

Unless SEL is abolished entirely, it will continue as has Common Core and create irreversible damage.  Since the purpose of public education is to educate youths for a Marxist society, abolishing SEL is merely a pipe dream.  The only solution is a mass exodus from public education before it's too late.

Carole Hornsby Haynes is an education policy analyst/curriculum specialist, historian, and publisher of the Haynes Report.,

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Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Vocabulary Lesson Turns Into Slavespeak In America's Education System It's Not What You Think.




Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms; in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning.
Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in contravention to one's own memories or sense of reality. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy.

Political Slavespeak consists of terrocrat words -- words that give terrocrats advantages over their victims; words that -- if accepted, believed, and used -- put victims at a disadvantage.


DoubleSpeak, Double Talk, Double Think and SlaveSpeak all in which are brainwashing tactics to make you think differently and they know how it works. Who makes up words? People. Who says those words and meanings? People. 

  • Benefits of Understanding Slavespeak Once you understand political Slavespeak (the language used to establish and maintain master-slave relationships), you become very aware of how those who don't understand Slavespeak can be dominated, subjugated, and controlled by words -- essentially enslaved by words. Correspondingly, you become impervious to external control through words. In other words, you enjoy more freedom -- you have more options available to you. 

Examples: Snowflakes and Karen's. You might think those words are just a fad but they are not they are placed into the Political Arena and in Social Society Arena to have a particular meaning. 

  1. Snowflakes are Whites who whine - Snowflakes is Snow that fall from the sky.
  2. Karen's are White Women who complain. - Karen is a Name of a female.
    • Whitopia:  
    • Topia Extracted from utopia -the name of a fictional island possessing a seemingly perfect socio-politico-legal system in the book Utopia (1516.)  
    • Place White with Topia derived from Utopia and it's fictional made to be non fiction. 
    • DoubleSpeak - distorts from the truth or fact from even the origins of the word and it's meaning
    • Utopia world in which everything and everyone works in perfect harmony. Doesn't exist - Non Reality.

One would be Political Slavespeak and the other Society Slavespeak and all above are Social Society Slavespeak, Doublethink and Double Talk. When one Political party can get the other party to use them and not even know that's occurring and change your mind about the politician or one's beliefs and new words introduced into Society or the education system even if it not true or reality it's done on purpose to alter your thinking and perception.  

Like all the new lingo placed on Children in SEL, CRT and whatever else they want to implement It's done on purpose to make you rethink and what the meanings of words are. The pros who do this type of activity are people such as Dictators, Kings, people of importance and people with an agenda. The MSM has also used Slavespeak and Politicians do to on American's.

It is Full Throttle on Words in America's Education System. You have a variety of psychological tactics happening with words and those that do this are criminal! It's actually full blown brainwashing and (FullThrottle - Gaslighting.) Full Throttle is a word I came up with in 2018 because I was a gaslighted victim. Anyone can make up a word and give it a meaning.

Now when you see a list of Words being used in Schools, you can tell them NO MORE SLAVESPEAK - Double Talk or when you Watch the news or when you listen to a politician speak or listen to Brainwashers at a school Now you know!

Critical Thinking for yourself goes a long way if you know what to think or who's making you think or implying what you should think. Confused? That's intent after-all isn't it?

Words never leave the brain once they are implanted.

Definition of Full Throttle: a person who has been physically harmed and mentally abused, witnessed abuse, controlled and tortured by the hands of somebody and gaslighted.

Here is a link to THE ANATOMY OF SLAVESPEAK you might have to read it a couple of times to fully get the gist of it.


Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links. Please visit one of them to support me to continue to Dare Challenge Learn.


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