Sunday, December 5, 2021

Justice Warriors has been happening for 30 Years. There is a School Shooter Serial Killer on the loose!

5 - 7 Minute Read - Parents should read and understand.

Example: Slandering Parents, Doxing Parents, Suing Parents and then blaming it all on the Parents. The "Cause stalkers" actions or their outcome because of "The Cause" they are trying to achieve in your child school/education. If you are a parent who is being bullied or harassed get an attorney right away.

Cause Stalking" is on the rise because of Race, Equity, SEL, CRT in our Education System. Example the NSBA got the DOJ to make others believe you are an Extremists Terrorist Parent and how dare you speak up for your own child! The people who wrote the letter had a Cause. The Cause Stalkers wants to silence you from all and everything in Education, The Cause "Marxism"

Some of the best advice I received was from a nurse from a self-esteem group I attended, Advice she told me: "The TV will be talking to you!"
Children are born with a Healthy Mind. Parents never believe their child will become a school shooter and harm others.

Daring to ask the Questions: 3 decades = 30 years of school shootings or mass shootings how come we place the blame on mental illness when we don't go after the root causes? Let’s try truth and transparency for once. Dare Challenge Learn openly says what you are never suppose speak about - The cause of Mass School Shootings.

How many of you have had the same dream as a kid or even as an adult? You're falling and you wake up before the ending of the dream? That is a pattern you have dreamt over and over. (Recurrent dreams occur between 60 percent and 75 percent of adults and more often in women than men.)

Serial Killers have patterns. While numerous school shootings have happened over 3 decades, they all have the same pattern. Any great detective who put's two and two together see's the crime scene and see's that same crime scene multiple times, that's called a pattern. After 3 decades of School Shootings why hasn't anyone found out what the root causes are? The clues are there and the same patterns.

I am sure you might or will call me a conspiracy theorist but one can only come to one conclusion: There is School Shooter Serial Killer On The Loose and it's been happening for 3 decades, 30 years!

Problem - When a school shooting occurs you get the same; Prosecutor comes on the TV or whomever is speaking about the horrific nature of the school shooting and they have the preconceived notion that the shooter has some sort of mental problems or history of prior mental illness. How did the shooter get to that point, what was the cause?

The root of the problem. - Patterns

I have 13 years personal experience with dealing with what you call Mob Stalkers, Cause Stalkers bullies on steroids. The intent of MS & CS bullies are to psychologically manipulate the person's perceptions and they all work in unison may it be at your place of employment or in your everyday living and in schools. The purpose of the MS & CS bullies is to make the person go crazy and once it begins the person, they are targeting ends up seeing a psychologist or ends up in a mental health ward that leaves a paper trail (there is now documentation - evidence) you are mentally ill. The Pattern begins by the MS & CS bullies who are participants and it doesn't stop.

Why? Because they are vigilante justice warriors bullies on steroids and yes they do target a child in school, if they believe you did something to someone else or if a family member such as your Mother or Father and even Siblings or they have a cause (gun rights) (Anti-? ) or even if you have met someone in your past and they have a beef with you or other numerus other reasons they bully you until you break down and yes it does happen on children.
What happens when that occurs? Misinformation happens with regards to the person they are singling out and the rumors and gossip begins and the adult bully's or bully's start to bully and use rumors and all sorts of tactics and it's all lies and the person who is the recipient of such tactics is left emotionally drained and broken and some people will kill themselves or even go out and kill others. They break the person down psychologically and psychically. I can go on and on and talk about this subject.

When a person is now at the breaking point the mental health of the person being the subject of bully's ends up in a mental health facility, what occurs next is that once you tell the mental health people who in fact know what is occurring, yet they in front of you continue the abuse and make you look mentally ill it leaves the victim nowhere else to turn and really hopeless.

You might be asking yourselves how do all these people all work together? As one man said to me and boastfully, I might add "he's been doing this for 30 years" that's 3 decades and he worked with children, you come to realize it's has been happening to others for a very long time. There is pattern over and over done by a variety of people who participate and they are in all professions (Movies Writers, Movie Producers, TV, Lawyers, Doctors, Legal Services, Schools, Clergy and many more and they do it all in unison. They all use the same pattern towards the targeted person they are trying to destroy (it's all Psychological). It's a sick part of society that is never talked about, it's a silent deadly crime that goes unpunished and the outcome ends up in tragedy of lives being taken or destroyed forever.

If you are still reading, I am sure you are in disbelief of what you just read, it's true and I lived being a target by MS & CS bullies I have mentioned and so has my son. No one who participates in MS & CS bullying or getting a person to "Go Postal" is ever prosecuted. When you hear of a mass shooting you hear Immediately breaking news and you hear how mentally ill the shooter is and they use all the prior activity that made the shooter get to that point!

A well-known incident that happened is an example of what could be the outcome when MS & CS Bullies in the workforce (Going Postal) happens as in the case of a news reporter Alison Parker and her Cameraman in the State of Virginia who was shot on TV, as I stated prior MS & CS bullies does occur in the workforce, fact and true. I watched Alison Parker's father on a national news station and the grief I had seen on his face and him explaining all the wonderful accomplishments she had accomplished in her short life I had such overwhelming grief, I sat and cried. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and said out loud ‘I could help that father all I have to do is read the letter left of why he shot her and the cameraman, some of the details of that letter came out and I knew the tactics, I said out loud again I could really help that father I wish somebody would tell him. (Shooter's manifesto not to be released) Why? Who are they really protecting, their cause and the MS & CS Bullies?

When people at your place of employment single out one person and they do all sorts of strange things to the target the target may start to lose reality, have you ever heard that some people who are targeted start to believe that Lizard people exist. You can find tons of video's on everything I am explaining to you online. Now for some definitions and conclusion.

• Going Postal: Going postal is an American English slang phrase referring to becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence, and usually in a workplace environment. Wikipedia

• Mob Stalking: justice warriors of one person by a group mob stalking for the purpose of destroying the person's life. The victim is known as a Targeted Individual, (in the last 3- or 4-years Mob Stalking has become popular in political arena but it has existed for over 3 decades.)

• Cause Stalking: Cause stalking is performed by extremist and anti-government groups in which targets are subjected to harassment campaigns, break-ins, staged incidents, vandalism, etc. This book discusses who the stalkers are and describes their methods. It is also a guide for victims. American private investigator David Lawson spent approximately 12 years investigating stalking groups in the United States and Canada, mainly in the 1990s. He wrote about his experiences “riding with” these networked community harassment groups David Lawson Landmark Investigation

• Cyberstalking: is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, group, or organization. It may include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel. It may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, doxing, or blackmail.

Conclusion: I am not saying all school shooting happened because of all the above but from my own experience and seeing a pattern and witnessing mass shootings I have come to one conclusion: Sometimes very bad people make very bad things happen to other humans and there is a big psychological pattern that occurs as the participants all have the same goal and that goal is to make a human-being suffer mentally and destroy them to go harm others, those others are innocent people who happen to be in the way of someone's sick agenda against another person and there is never a reason to want to do such a horrific act on anyone but it does happen. 30 years or 3 decades of a Group who are Serial Killers who deliberately single out one person to make him or her kill others.

In fact, this kind of psychological attack can be a far more effective way to harm someone. It ruins a person’s life while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators. - John B. Lopez is president and chief investigator of The Agency, Paid To Spy. Read further Here.
Cause Stalking is on the rise because of Race, Equity, SEL, CRT in our Education System. Example the NSBA got the DOJ to make others believe you are a Extremists Terrorist Parent, the people who wrote the letter had a Cause. Example Slandering Parents, Doxing Parents, Suing Parents and then blaming it all on the Parents. The Cause stalkers actions or their outcome if from a cause.
Schools do participate maybe some unknowingly but from my experience even by a couple of High School principals involved they knew what was happening to my son and my family. Now we will see parents flogged on TV and the people who did nothing that knew just like the last 3 decades because we never openly speak the truth to care about the root of the causes and we never enforce laws to protect the innocent from MS & CS Bullies.


Additional Articles by Dare Challenge Learn you might be interested: Making of a Shooter Abusive Online School And Home Schooling. Every Parent Needs to Read

References and other additional useful resources:

You will see the pattern before and after a mass shooting - Fight for Gun Control and it's all about Mental illness.

According to David Lawson, author of Terrorist Stalking in America, in some cases the victim may simply be a practice target, or used as an example to those in the stalking group of what can happen to them if they anger the group in some way. The intense fear of becoming a target serves to keep the members of these stalking groups tied to the group. It is a terrifying prospect because the gang members are intimately aware that the lives of the tar gets are being destroyed.

David Lawson's Landmark Investigation - Lawson describes leaders as having an "air of mystery", "having worked for the CIA, NSA, or some other intelligence agency that doesn't reveal information about their employees." Lawson states that this "background" is likely mythology. If organized stalking is the leading edge of a world dictatorship, however, it's not impossible the world's intelligence agencies could play a part.

FBI Published: Dec 4th 2015 Mass Victimization: Promising Avenues for Prevention - This document is focused on identifying strategies that contribute to preventing, not predicting, incidents of targeted violence that result in mass casualty events.

1. Virginia shooting: Alison Parker's father vows to fight for gun control. 2. Election victory for former news anchor whose reporter girlfriend was murdered on live TV

Current School Shooting - Michigan school shooter's parents charged with involuntary manslaughter - Prosecutor Karen D. McDonald mentions Reform on Gun Laws.

One-Third of Mass Shootings Committed by People With Mental Illness, Study Says

2021 WMD- Mental Illness Not a Factor in Most Mass Shootings


Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Most Famous Classroom in the World Using Psychological Behavioral Training! Social-Emotional Learning Classical Conditioning.

Dare Challenge Learn Presents 

The Most Famous Classroom in the World! Showing How Classical Conditioning Is Done On Children Using Verbal Reinforcement With Repetitive Sound.

You will have clarity beyond clarity and you will only come to one conclusion! Once you are done viewing and listening to video please continue reading below.  Before going any further in reading, Stop! You have to Watch a short 6 minute video to understand what is taking place (Indoctrination) and of this very day it's now throughout America's Education System. Here we are two decades later and SEL and CRT are in Full Throttle aka Control by way of Psychological Methods on Children. Question: What was your total after watching the video?

Now you know! 
Please see at the bottom of the page your rights for use of Video.

SEL Social Emotional Learning is now one of the most heated topics in America and here lies one of the many problems with SEL "Conditioning a Child" and the psychological aspects of teachings Behavioral Modifications on all children. I am now fully convinced that no child should ever attend a Government funded school. Schools are not Mental Health Facilities and they have NO RIGHT'S to Psychologically use such Training on anyone. Please read further to learn more about the Psychological Babble placed in your child's life - Education Training in which SEL is part of teaching method of Conditioning.

I am a parent who has dealt with a variety of Teachers, School Administrators, School counselors and School Psychologist and even a Psychiatrist for my child and I thought they all believed in do no harm I was wrong. The main goals with a child with emotional or a learning problems is to get the child healthy in mind, learning and overall into a productive healthy adult.

Not all children have infractions in school, SEL is universal in all facets of Behavioral Modification. Example: Maybe your child laughing at something and SEL conditions your child to think differently (by conditioning) not to laugh. There are endless ways to alter the mind of a child when using conditioning training. Social Emotional Learning and your teacher is teaching SEL and not all Teachers have the same way of teaching or same values and can easily manipulate however they want to and not all human-being have the best intentions even if they are a teacher and as one parent described - "How to turn black against white and child against parent.)

In prior years I have read about Pavlov dogs, why? because I am person who was gaslighted by a spouse, conditioning is part of the Gaslighting Technique and at that time I didn't take a deep dive into the Education aspect of Conditioning and how it has shaped America's Education system I was looking at an action a person does repetitive (such as sounds) and how the party who is being condition is being affected (altering ones behavior) and I stumbled upon Pavlov Dogs. 

The following (Video -Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov) Please watch a 3 1/2 minute video before reading further to understand Pavlov Dogs Experiment to understand part of SEL psychological conditioning your child is getting in the classroom which includes other Psychological methods that are embed in Social Emotional Learning.


The following people shaped early education in a variety of Psychological methods. I am focusing on just 2 Individuals Pavlov and Thorndike who are the early pioneers on conditioning. Others who have shaped America's Education Teaching Methods you can learn additional facts here and who they are.

  • 1849–1936 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - he was a Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in classical conditioning: Classical conditioning (also known as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning) is learning through association and was discovered by Pavlov, a Russian physiologist. 
  • 1874–1949 Edward Thorndikecame up with the concept of instrumental conditioning and, like Pavlov, reached his main conclusions using data gained through animal-based experimentation.

Social-Emotional Learning: K–12 Education as New Age Nanny State gives you everything that is wrong with SEL. Here are 2 in particular I would like to point out to you and I highly suggest you read the entire paper.
  • "Where Did SEL Come From? SEL is deeply rooted in the history of American progressive education. Early-20th-century progressive educators such as Edward Thorndike of Columbia University Teachers College advocated linking education with psychology. Thorndike equated “learning” with “training,” and believed in the approach of “learning by conditioning.” Children, like Pavlov’s dogs, could be conditioned to exhibit the desired behaviors by a system of positive or negative consequences linked to particular actions. John Dewey, as used in totalitarian societies, he lauded “ the marvelous developments of progressive educational ideas and practices” and “the required collective and cooperative mentality.” He was convinced that “the great task of the school is to counteract and transform those domestic and neighborhood tendencies the influence of the home and Church.”
  • The paper analyzes the scientific research support for SEL claims and finds it much less persuasive than advertised. The paper further addresses the numerous problems in assessing SEL—problems that are acknowledged even by the experts and most dedicated proponents of the movement. It turns out there’s no reliable, objective way to measure a student’s personality, values, and mindsets.

Social-Emotional Learning: K–12 Education as New Age Nanny State - By Karen Effrem, M.D. and Jane Robbins, J.D. With a foreword by Kevin Ryan, Ph.D.

You can download the PDF File Here



Dare: I dare you to prove me wrong about the most Famous Classroom in the world and how that wasn't Conditioning Training on children. Currently it's Full Throttle "Control" across America's Education System for 2 decade's and Children And Teachers Are Currently Being Psychologically Conditioned in Schools! .
Challenge: I challenge you to Go Save All America's Children From Social Emotional Trainers Who Change Children by Psychological Manipulation And To Share This Video With Anyone Before It Is Taken Down. (See rights to sharing Video Below)

Learn: I hope you reading my post you've now undoubtedly come to the conclusion as I have, The USA Education System is under attack on every child and teacher - Pre-K through 12th and even in Colleges And America's Families. Children are being "Conditioned" and I dare you to challenge their agenda and of course learn everything you can about Government Schools and how they DO NOT have your child's best interest in Education in anyway shape or form.


DCL - Dare Challenge Learn

Rights for video use:  To use Video by Dare Challenge Learn you agree not to make one penny and exploit by any means Dare Challenge Learn Video. (Includes: If You Have Whistleblower Status, Private, Public or Government Status or any Individual.) Dare Challenge Learn is Full Transparency. Anyone found using Video and Making Money off of Dare Challenge Learn Video without attached information might have legal ramification and possibly a lawsuit filed against you/them. 

By Using Video you agree to the following above and the following. If you use DCL Video for any reason you must include and without changing wording or links and you can embed video, you must include:

Dare Challenge Learn Presents - The Most Famous Classroom in the World! Showing How Classical Conditioning Is Done On Children Using Verbal Reinforcement With Repetitive Sound. You will have clarity beyond clarity and you will only come to one conclusion! Here is Proof that SEL is Psychological Indoctrination Classical Conditioning on America's Children.  
Please visit DCL to learn more about Children Behavioral Conditioning and your rights of use on this video:  Video Link -


More to read from Dare Challenge Learn:

Facebook Censored The Following Post -First-grade teacher boasts about sexuality

Now you know! 
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher.

Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀  Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links. Please visit one of them to support me to continue to Dare Challenge Learn.

Social and Emotional Learning - Social-emotional learning is an education practice that integrates social and emotional skills into school curriculum. SEL is also referred to as "socio-emotional learning", "social and emotional learning", or "social-emotional literacy".

Emotion - Emotions are psychological states brought on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure. There is currently no scientific consensus on a definition.

Learning - Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and some machines; there is also evidence for some kind of learning in certain plants.

Classical Conditioning
Social-Emotional Learning: K–12 Education as New Age Nanny State - By Karen Effrem, M.D. and Jane Robbins, J.D. With a foreword by Kevin Ryan, Ph.D.


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