Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms; in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning.
Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in contravention to one's own memories or sense of reality. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy.
Political Slavespeak consists of terrocrat words -- words that give terrocrats advantages over their victims; words that -- if accepted, believed, and used -- put victims at a disadvantage.
DoubleSpeak, Double Talk, Double Think and SlaveSpeakall in which
are brainwashing tactics to make you think differently and they know how
it works. Who makes up words? People. Who says those words and
meanings? People.
Benefits of Understanding SlavespeakOnce you understand political Slavespeak (the language used to establish and maintain master-slave relationships), you become very aware of how those who don't understand Slavespeak can be dominated, subjugated, and controlled by words -- essentially enslaved by words. Correspondingly, you become impervious to external control through words. In other words, you enjoy more freedom -- you have more options available to you.
Examples: Snowflakes and Karen's. You might think
those words are just a fad but they are not they are placed into the
Political Arena and in Social Society Arena to have a particular
Snowflakes are Whites who whine - Snowflakes is Snow that fall from the sky.
Karen's are White Women who
complain. - Karen is a Name of a female.
TopiaExtracted fromutopia -the name of a fictional island possessing a seemingly perfect socio-politico-legal system in the bookUtopia (1516.)
Place White with Topia derived from Utopia and it's fictional made to be non fiction.
DoubleSpeak - distorts from the truth or fact from even the origins of the word and it's meaning.
Utopia A world in which everything and everyone works in perfect harmony. Doesn't exist - Non Reality.
One would be Political Slavespeak and the other Society
Slavespeak and all above are Social Society Slavespeak, Doublethink and Double Talk. When one Political party can get the other party to use them and not
even know that's occurring and change your mind about the politician or one's beliefs and new words introduced into Society or the education system even if it not true or reality it's done on purpose to alter your thinking and perception.
Like all the new lingo
placed on Children in SEL, CRT and whatever else they want to implement It's done on purpose to make you rethink and what
the meanings of words are. The pros who do this type of activity are people such as Dictators, Kings, people of importance and people with an agenda. The MSM has also used Slavespeak and Politicians do to on American's.
It is Full Throttle on Words in America's Education System. You have a variety of psychological tactics happening with words and those that do this are criminal! It's actually full blown brainwashing and (FullThrottle - Gaslighting.) Full Throttle is a word I came up with in 2018 because I was a gaslighted victim. Anyone can make up a word and give it a meaning.
Now when you see a list of Words being used in Schools, you can tell them NO MORE SLAVESPEAK - Double Talk or when you Watch the news or when you listen to a politician speak or listen to Brainwashers at a school Now you know!
Critical Thinking for yourself goes a long way if you know what to think or who's making you think or implying what you should think. Confused? That's intent after-all isn't it?
Words never leave the brain once they are implanted.
Definition of Full Throttle:a person who has been physically harmed and mentally abused, witnessed abuse, controlled and tortured by the hands of somebody and gaslighted.
Here is a link to THE ANATOMY OF SLAVESPEAK you might have to read it a couple of times to fully get the gist of it.
not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief
will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher
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recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀 Some of the
links listed on this blog have affiliated links. Please visit one of
them to support me to continue to Dare Challenge Learn.
The Most Famous Classroom in the World! Showing How Classical Conditioning Is Done On Children Using Verbal Reinforcement With Repetitive Sound.
You will have clarity beyond clarity and you will only come to one conclusion! Once you are done viewing and listening to video please continue reading below. Before going any further in reading, Stop! You have to Watch a short 6 minute video to understand what is taking place (Indoctrination) and of this very day it's now throughout America's Education System. Here we are two decades later and SEL and CRT are in Full Throttle aka Control by way of Psychological Methods on Children. Question: What was your total after watching the video?
Now you know! Please see at the bottom of the page your rights for use of Video.
SEL Social Emotional Learning is now one of the most heated topics in America and here lies one of the many problems with SEL "Conditioning a Child" and the psychological aspects of teachings Behavioral Modifications on all children. I am now fully convinced that no child should ever attend a Government funded school. Schools are not Mental Health Facilities and they have NO RIGHT'S to Psychologically use such Training on anyone. Please read further to learn more about the Psychological Babble placed in your child's life - Education Training in which SEL is part of teaching method of Conditioning.
I am a parent who has dealt with a variety of Teachers, School Administrators, School counselors and School Psychologist and even a Psychiatrist for my child and I thought they all believed in do no harm I was wrong. The main goals with a child with emotional or a learning problems is to get the child healthy in mind, learning and overall into a productive healthy adult.
Not all children have infractions in school, SEL is universal in all facets of Behavioral Modification. Example: Maybe your child laughing at something and SEL conditions your child to think differently (by conditioning) not to laugh. There are endless ways to alter the mind of a child when using conditioning training. Social Emotional Learning and your teacher is teaching SEL and not all Teachers have the same way of teaching or same values and can easily manipulate however they want to and not all human-being have the best intentions even if they are a teacher and as one parent described - "How to turn black against white and child against parent.)
In prior years I have read about Pavlov dogs, why? because I am person who was gaslighted by a spouse, conditioning is part of the Gaslighting Technique and at that time I didn't take a deep dive into the Education aspect of Conditioning and how it has shaped America's Education system I was looking at an action a person does repetitive (such as sounds) and how the party who is being condition is being affected (altering ones behavior) and I stumbled upon Pavlov Dogs.
The following (Video -Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov) Please watch a 3 1/2 minute video before reading further to understand Pavlov Dogs Experiment to understand part of SEL psychological conditioning your child is getting in the classroom which includes other Psychological methods that are embed in Social Emotional Learning.
The following people shaped early education in a variety of Psychological methods. I am focusing on just 2 Individuals Pavlov and Thorndike who are the early pioneers on conditioning. Others who have shaped America's Education Teaching Methods you can learn additional facts here and who they are.
1849–1936Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - he was a Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in classical conditioning: Classical conditioning (also known as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning) is learning through association and was discovered by Pavlov, a Russian physiologist.
1874–1949Edward Thorndike - came up with the concept of instrumental conditioning and, like Pavlov, reached his main conclusions using data gained through animal-based experimentation.
Social-Emotional Learning: K–12 Education as New Age Nanny State gives you everything that is wrong with SEL. Here are 2 in particular I would like to point out to you and I highly suggest you read the entire paper.
"Where Did SEL Come From? SEL is deeply rooted in the history of American progressive education. Early-20th-century progressive educators such as Edward Thorndike of Columbia University Teachers Collegeadvocated linking education with psychology. Thorndike equated “learning” with “training,” and believed in the approach of “learning by conditioning.” Children, like Pavlov’s dogs, could be conditioned to exhibit the desired behaviors by a system of positive or negative consequences linked to particular actions. John Dewey, as used in totalitarian societies, he lauded “ the marvelous developments of progressive educational ideas and practices” and “the required collective and cooperative mentality.” He was convinced that “the great task of the school is to counteract and transform those domestic and neighborhood tendencies the influence of the home and Church.”
The paper analyzes the scientific research support for SEL claims and finds it much less persuasive than advertised. The paper further addresses the numerous problems in assessing SEL—problems that are acknowledged even by the experts and most dedicated proponents of the movement. It turns out there’s no reliable, objective way to measure a student’s personality, values, and mindsets.
Social-Emotional Learning:K–12 Education as New Age Nanny State - By Karen Effrem, M.D. and Jane Robbins, J.D. With a foreword by Kevin Ryan, Ph.D.
Dare: I dare you to prove me wrong about the most Famous Classroom in the world and how that wasn't Conditioning Training on children. Currently it's Full Throttle "Control" across America's Education System for 2 decade's and Children And Teachers Are Currently Being Psychologically Conditioned in Schools! .
Challenge: I challenge you to Go Save All America's Children From Social Emotional Trainers Who Change Children by Psychological Manipulation And To Share This Video With Anyone Before It Is Taken Down. (See rights to sharing Video Below)
Learn: I hope you reading my post you've now undoubtedly come to the conclusion as I have, The USA Education System is under attack on every child and teacher - Pre-K through 12th and even in Colleges And America's Families. Children are being "Conditioned" and I dare you to challenge their agenda and of course learn everything you can about Government Schools and how they DO NOT have your child's best interest in Education in anyway shape or form.
DCL - Dare Challenge Learn
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Dare Challenge Learn Presents - The Most Famous Classroom in the World! Showing How Classical Conditioning Is Done On Children Using Verbal Reinforcement With Repetitive Sound. You will have clarity beyond clarity and you will only come to one conclusion! Here is Proof that SEL is Psychological Indoctrination Classical Conditioning on America's Children.
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher.
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Social and Emotional Learning - Social-emotional learning is an education practice that integrates social and emotional skills into school curriculum. SEL is also referred to as "socio-emotional learning", "social and emotional learning", or "social-emotional literacy".
Emotion- Emotions are psychological states brought on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure. There is currently no scientific consensus on a definition.
Learning - Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and some machines; there is also evidence for some kind of learning in certain plants.
The increase of a Gender Contagion is exactly that a "Contagion" caused by The US Government Education Polices, Education System, Unions and the far left Globalist Agenda.
Giant Social Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and other Groups with endless amounts of money and many other entities that have a say but Parents sit down and shut up!!.
You can apply the same principals by the CDC Suicide Contagion to Gender Contagion.
Opinion and research:
The NWO (New World Order) agenda or as Brian Deese a political adviser for the Biden Administration has stated the LWO (Liberal New Order) agenda on young children and American families and they've outcast the very people that gives birth to children and they are called MOTHERS. Mothers who love their children and have grouped together to fight back against NWO and LWO such as Mom for Liberty have been doing only to be silenced by the far left.
The NWO and LWO has taken the definition of what a Woman is and placed in a fire dumpster and burnt it to a crisp! The LWO such as fire starters in Washington DC have indeed shown what they are capable of doing to Mothers and children and families. The LWO has caused a Gender Contagion of what you’re currently seeing in all facets of America Education and in Society - Gender Identity Crisis Contagion.
Now let's dive into the contagion currently spread across America on Children.
When Social media platforms, Twitter, Facebook, Teachers Unions, School Boards and people inside schools and the Government silences thousands of concerned voices of Mothers we are in trouble its become A Health Crisis Globally- "Gender Contagion and Suicide Contagion"
The Brainwashing, Gaslighting Mind Control is FULL THROTTLE on children and families, it's been happening for the last decade and it's extremely alarming! It has caused a massive gender contagion -the spreading of a harmful idea or practice and dysphoria due to what a child is taught by teachers in school who feel the need to get validation to feel comfortable in society, backed by the LWO and it is force fed throughout the school day and now it's in all facets of our society, you aren’t even capable of having a conversation any longer with the far left and disagreeing with LWO isn't acceptable, the blame shifts on to you as a parent you are the problem hate monger! it’s no longer two sided conversation, it’s one sided and if you don’t go along you are part of the hate racist phobia and biased, how dare you disagree with LWO!
Labeling A Contagion can be defined as a "Copycat”
The NWO/LWO says your child is defined by this/they/he/him/her/she and a whole slew of other pronouns embedded in an 8 hour school day and it’s become a contagion not only in words but a child will want to be liked by the teacher and the child repeats what is learned and that child repeats to others and starts to believe it, you as a parent are now fighting an ideology that has creeped into your child's mind and you as the parent have been shut out of your child’s real personality that you have attempted to mold since birth. Your child has been taken over like a robot and playing out his or her new gender identify leaving you feel shell shocked.
Suicide Contagion
Suicide Contagion like in Ohio - Since Aug. 13, 2018 - 12 teens living in the Perry, Plain, Jackson, Northwest and Canton Local school districts have died by suicide, prompting local mental health experts to label it a suicide contagion and rattling residents who continue to search for answers as to why the deaths occurred. CDC sending team to investigate suicides in Stark County - Click here
The CDC final report in Stark County on what they call a cluster and Suicide Copycat- on page 12 of the report. Knowledge about the mechanisms underlying clustering of suicides is still emerging; imitation and identification are two factors hypothesized to increase the likelihood of suicide clusters. Imitation has been defined as initiation of a behavior after observation of a similar behavior in terms of suicidal behavior, this is often colloquially referred to as “copycat” suicidal acts. Identification is a psychological phenomenon where an individual self-identifies Among vulnerable persons, direct or indirect exposure to suicide may increase risk of subsequent suicide. Known harmful direct exposures include close relationship with a person who died by suicide or observing a suicidal act Known indirect harmful exposures include watching television news coverage of a celebrity suicide or hearing about a suicide by word of mouth. Review the full report here
Gender Contagion
You can apply the same findings/principals by the CDC Suicide Contagion as to Gender Contagion as shown in the above and apply it to a contagion. Learning in the classrooms - copycat, Identification is a psychological phenomenon where an individual self-identifies, direct exposures, observing, watching TV, News Coverage, Celebrity or hearing about it (taught in school) words that come out of the mouth of teachers and all others who are contributing to a health crisis on children called a Gender Identity Contagion.
I hope this short article gets you do more research and you get involved, we need as many moms and dads fighting a contagion that has infested schools and every parts of our society.
Currently Mothers are under attack by Tweeter and denying Mothers freedom of speech or opinions or even legit SCIENCE! Take the following Mom for Liberty being silenced by Twitter.
Don't dismiss "You can apply the same principals by the CDC Suicide Contagion to what I call a Gender Contagion."
I am not a medical professional but one with common sense or to make sense of what is going on, the conclusion is "A Gender Contagion" A taught behavior. The increase of self Identification in one generation has changed.
To back that up as a Gender contagion looking at the chart you'll see an increase in one generation - in 2020, a new record high. Gen Z, newly added to the latest edition of a survey by Gallup, is the gayest generation in terms of self-identification.
You can apply the same findings/principals by the CDC Suicide Contagion as to Gender Contagion as applied, learning in the classrooms - copycat, Identification is a psychological phenomenon where an individual self-identifies, direct exposures, observing, watching TV,
News Coverage, Celebrity or hearing about it (taught in school) words that come out of the mouth of teachers and all others who are contributing to a health crisis on children called a Gender Identity Contagion.
After reading about the Suicide Contagion in Ohio on Children I read up on it and what I noticed was Gender Ideology introduced in schools with Gender Identification using pronouns and it has the same principals of cause and affect of a spread (contagion)
changing the way a child see oneself after being introduced to Pronouns and other Gender Ideology conformity placed on children in the classroom, social media, and other factors in the last decade.
Warning - A Major Health Crisis - "Gender Contagion and Suicide Contagion" A Contagion That Affects Children in Education and Society Globally
Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn!
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher
Disclaimer rights of logo is owned by the companies shown throughout this post for recognition and for the blind or eyesight problems. 👀 Some of the links listed on this blog have affiliated links.
Online Schools And Home Schooling For Every Child?
Making of a Shooter!
A Child With An IEP (Individual Education Program.)
28 different teachers, 6 Associated Principals, 23 different counselors
I only met one Teacher who called herself a Principal (Krystal Spurlock) Anyone can Claim to be a teacher in Ohio and Abuse your Child Online!
Even the Ohio Department of Education did nothing to protect my Child
Educators Terrorist!
Over 5+ Million Dollars Of Abuse On One Teen In Ohio Caused by Educators, Clergy, Lawyers, Doctors and Step Father.
What they Do, Try To Make A Child Go Crazy.
Making of a Shooter!
Over 5+ Million Dollars in Medical Cost - Do To Child Abuse.
No One Would Believe Me - I WILL NEVER SHUT UP!
There is a lot more abuse not mentioned here.
The story I am about to tell you is what occurred 8 years ago to my son with an online school, I would hope there isn't more students out there of the abuse I am about to tell you. You would be mortified of what was done to a teen with a disability and the garbage these people truly are. There is over 5 Million Dollars in Health Care cost not only from what these abuser had done, but trying to make a child to become a shooter, I documented everything! What you see here isn't the full explanation of what all that was done. I would be happy to explain more details and talk to you about what happened in person. The people who did this are still out there!! Everyone I encountered I told them what was happening and how this was harming my son and I was not believed by anyone including Legal Aid in Cleveland, Ohio and Educators and Medical Community. It was all swept under the Rug. Federal and State Crimes against a Teenager in Ohio. I went to all the local news stations in Cleveland Ohio and the education reporter that came to my home Kim Wheeler who ended up taking an early leave after she came to my mothers home! NBC News in Cleveland Ohio covered up abuse!.
I spoke to a relative of my son's and she suggested an online school and I thought that sounded like a wonderful Idea, he could learn online, he has a disability ADHD and work at a pace that would be suitable for his learning needs. I filled out all the information online and he was setup with a free computer and so was my other son, both of my son's going to take classes online and just a perfect set-up! They sure did set him and I up. When I tell you these people make sure your child is psychologically harmed and drugged and they are all insane to want to abuse a child and make a child into a shooter! He was also Gaslighted and harmed by people in the medical community that also participates and educators.
What I am about to show you and what had happened to my son's education is appalling and disgusting. My son's online school and teachers were abusers.
My sons with a learning disability and all the Federal and State Law Broken with regards to a child with a learning disability. He already had an IEP going in to this new online school.
To get everything in place I took a 2 hour drive to Columbus Ohio and had a meeting with a Krystal Spurlock and we sat in this room and she had a laptop and a set up for a voice conference with another teacher and at this time their was no Special Education Teacher present in the room or the teacher who joined in a voice conference, she was a regular math teacher. I brought with me a copy of his current IEP and it just needed to be implemented into his online learning at this new online school. Simple right? No way did they make it simple. The meeting was not set up like what a public school had offered. There was NOT any intervention specialist present, after that meeting and everyday after that meeting it was down hill trouble, they caused trouble and broke state and federal law possible in every way they could! When I tell you they abused my son and me I mean just that!! I only met one person that was Krystal Spurlock, she knows what she has done!!! 11 IEP within 6 Months! Legal Aid of Cleveland Ohio Covered Up what happened to my teen son, I took the 11 IEP's and explained the abuse that they did, one Attorney was in tears and the other one, the bold one helped coverup the abuse!
They took all the Federal and State Laws that are set up for a child with a learning disability and shit on them. I could not believe what was happening. They didn't give me any intervention specialist and we ended up with 28 different teachers and harassments and over 400 emails from 2 teaches that slammed a my teen son with ADHD. I have audio but I have not posted it as I didn't want them to claim when the time came they did nothing wrong! I have some conversations on Audio.
I was a cleaning lady at this time and even cleaned shit out of toilets and met Tom Patton in the Coffee Room a Politician and here was my opportunity to tell him and at this point the abuser at this online school was getting away with crimes being committed against a child. Here was my chance!! I am cleaning the coffee area and who walks in but Tom Patton, he had an office setup of where I was working and he asked me how I was doing and I said fine at first then I said wait a minute I began to tell him about all the Federal and State Laws being broken against my child with a learning disability and you know what he said to me? Get-um in a different school, he wasn't concerned about holding people accountable for the abuse, nope. I made the following video's and other video's and copied them and one day I dropped them off at the place I was cleaning and I wanted him to know more of what was happening! His not caring was overwhelming as I was watching people who call themselves educator abuse my child. I also documented everything on my Facebook, you can go to my profile and search Ecot aka Electronic Classrooms of Tomorrow.
My child learning was "Everyone has an asshole and they all stink" in Science from a teacher that called herself Crystal Hayes she even mentions death in the family that you have no control over, she thought she was being a smart ass but she was just a women who was an abuser! This online school said she was a Special Intervention Teacher. Here is a photo copy of the Stink she placed on her front page and video's of how she made my child angry due to her lies! To see all the video's 👉 To see documents on my Facebook every thing shown here on my Facebook photo is the truth. I hide nothing! We ended up with 11 IEP's and kept us busy with emails, phone calls and lies and he didn't learn anything. It was constant harassments and abuse.
The Following Video I made after meeting Senator Tom Patton From Ohio
My teen son stopped the online school and went to another public school of where the same thing happened!
I went to Legal Aid in Cleveland, Ohio that was suppose to help a child and they covered up the Crimes on what both School did to my son and that was to break State and Federal Laws that protect a child with a learning disability.
The Lies, Mr. Berry on Audio
Another Mother Mentions Mr. Berry, I dealt with a Mr. Berry 8 Years ago!
"they believe in god almighty they're
part of a cult
these educators put their own names out
we have mr berry who took it upon
himself with ms cyrus to create a
that should be it do you want the proof
i have the proof
you created a curriculum of black
Michael Berry is a Sick Man!
There is a slight pause in the video, please keep watching. One Parent and Childs Experience with Electronic Classrooms of Tomorrow. #ECOT. Child Abuse at the State Level. #Ohio. #ohioag#MikeDewine now Governor. Governor at the time of crimes was #JohnKasich.
it's the year 2021 look at all the abusers that gave a thumbs down!
2. watch this Video and Pass it on to EVERYONE! All the Federal and State Laws have been broken regarding my child with a disability, regarding his Education. This video is a message to ODE, Senator Thomas F. Patton and ECOT - Electronic Classrooms of Tomorrow. 1. ECOT, Electronic Classrooms of Tomorrow, John Kasich, Online School, Ohio Senators
3. this video you will learn all about integrity and honesty in learning and in science. Where EDUCATOR'S have no Honesty or Integrity. They didn't get the #memo.Excuses are like assholes and they are the ECOT Teachers! 2. #ECOT, Electronic Classrooms of Tomorrow, John Kasich, Online School, Ohio Senators Integrity and Honesty.#Crimes against a #Child with a Disability! #Science Teacher gets a big fat "F" for a failed a women who abuses kids!#LegalAid Sick Society of Cleveland #MikDewine Governor of Ohio took #money
4. #Pathways? on a Child with a Disability! WTF? Pathway towards harm by #educators on a child with a disability. PURE INSANITY GARBAGE! All the State and Federal Laws regarding my child's education have been broken for a Child with a disability. I told Senator Tom F Patton and he did nothing. ECOT, Electronic Classrooms of Tomorrow, John Kasich, Online School, Ohio Senators
5. is Nancy & Timothy? A variety of Shit from ECOT type video. Hey Frank can you hear me now? Sending me a Copy of Ohio Taxation Department. I didn't owe any taxes #dipshits! #Harassment From ECOT. This video will show what two teachers did to my child and someone at ECOT going to Ohio Taxation Department online and looking up my old address.
6. Showing and 28 different teachers, 6 Associated Principals, 23 different counselors and the all the confusion they brought to my son's learning experience and more. 5. ECOT, Electronic Classrooms of Tomorrow, John Kasich, Online School, Ohio Senators #MikeDewine 💲💲 received Campaign Funds from ECOT. #OhioEducationSystem#childabuse#ChildrenWithDisabilitties
Gaslighting a Child. Not Only Do Schools Participate So Does Hospitals, Clergy, Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Friends, Family and everyone that is placed in a child's life. The Psychological Abuse on a Child, Making of a Shooter! The Child Becomes a Target By The Most Toxic People and they Purposely Drugged The Child To Try To Make Him Go Crazy!
Every Penny That Has Been Paid Was Paid To Abusers!!
The Explanation of Benefits Proves What Was Done to My Teen Son!
The gaslighter will have conversations with people and throw misinformation in the mix and what you are taken in, is not what is actually what you are comprehending, you are left again filling in the blanks, those blanks that you fill in is a guessing game and the conclusion you take from this is all negative. It’s like the childhood game (when you sit in a circle and the teacher whispers in the child's ear and then goes through the circle and by the time it gets back to the teacher it is not what what said) Misinformation occurs, but at a sick level in the community. Other tactic used verbal communication, but actions show the opposite, like a childhood game in school “Opposite day” at this point the victim has been victimized for such a long time they do not catch on, its exhausting for the victims and wears the victims down until they attempt suicide, reinforcing that the victim is crazy.
The gaslighter is always using reinforcement and control, but making it look the total opposite and that he is the victim. The gaslighter has the tactics, while the victim is left in a state of hopelessness, despair and grief, there will be at one point that tactics used to boost the victim up and then tear them down, a hideous cycle of abuse. He will say something or nonverbal gesture to point out what somebody else is doing, he will place blame on children, family, coworkers, neighbors and use these tactics against the victim, the victim becomes very verbal and at this point what is being said from the victim is causing a high level of horrible verbiage on everyone and anyone as the victim is now under the belief that everyone is against them and her children. No outside source will be able to help as some outside sources have used gaslighting and some aren't. At this point all the negative verbal words said are used on the gaslighted victim to alienate the victims from any family, friends, or even to make new friends. The victim is at this point alone. During the victimization that is taking place the victim will start saying things like, I'm sorry, what did I do wrong? and turns to the gaslighter for answers and even starts feeling sorry for the gaslighter and begins to defend his actions towards others who the victim is now under control from the gaslighter and believes everyone you are in contact with wants to harm you and your children. More control on the victim. The gaslighter is using full throttle.
I witnessed child exploitation on my children and other people's little girls and teenage girls in a so -called professional setting in the mental health arena. The gaslighter never admits that he participates and manipulates everyone he encounters, including law enforcement, teachers, friends, family, his family, or coworkers, his actions on my person were malicious cold and calculating and makes the victim feel helpless. He used this technique on everyone in our community, including children.
Children Suffering do to Gaslighting Psychological Techniques used in hospitals even a children's hospital, children do in fact suffer by the hands of the abuser who uses the technique to gaslight the child. Several incidents that occurred in the 8 year span, the child is gaslighted due to the lies that the abuser made up stories or even if a wonderful thing a child has accomplished can be turned and used to make the child look like a predator when the adult gaslighter is in fact the predator.
School System is Gaslighted Psychological Techniques, not all participate, but once the gaslight technique is used full force on a child, its full throttle. Minor playing even on the playground turns a child into a predator, rumors turn into fact when in fact it’s all lies, teachers do bully a child and throughout the child's school years the child self esteem diminishes leaving the child with no one to turn to, once the child is in the system of psychological care the gaslighting doesn't stop, its again full throttle. The gaslighting technique has caused so much misinformation that a child is not capable of handling and the child might even begin to lie (no fault of their own) When the child is raised in a home and the parent is a huge part of the gaslighting technique and the child isn't fully aware of the abuse that is being done, the child see the abuser as loving, caring and will at some point use the child to help continue the gaslighting and the child ends up sympathizing of the hand of the abuser (Gaslighter) The child has been fully deceived. - Location Brooklyn, Ohio and throughout Ohio
Outside forces set up in the community under the radar and law enforcement at one point are deceived because on the outside in the community everything looks hunky dory while behind closed doors where the child might be going for after school fun is really a place where the gaslighting is occurring. The reinforces are at work under the radar. Fact & Truth, the adult opens his home to your child and now your child believes the adult wants to help as he is seeing his own family unit falling apart, the child is lured into believing that this adult man/women want to help. Good intentions you may call that. ITS NOT. It only separates the family unit more. The abusers are already aware that the family has been gaslighted and at one point help the abuser who is the gaslighter so they use a child anyway they see fit. At this point the offender will say, I made your child obedient, or I want to study philosophy to entice the child to think he is learning something new (Exciting) for the child and the gaslighted parent is now disabled and the gaslighter parent the abuser lets them and doesn't interfere with the new exciting so called philosophy, sounds to important to the child and the child gets enticed. There are many more techniques used unfortunately and sadly to many to list that my person has witnessed. The outcome as follows, the gaslighted parent is no longer in anyway shape or form significant in the young child's life, development and doesn't have a say in any type of decision making for their own child. The child is literally taken from the mother. The child, gaslighter parent, gaslighted parent and child/children living in the home and at one point become so dysfunctional the child doesn't want to be there. All the outside after school fun is fun after all. The outside fun has now full control. A technique of brainwashing. The child ideology has been totally change. The monster parent, the my person is now even seeing her children being separated, siblings being separated, brother to brother no longer and 1 child will be in the hands from an outside source while the other child falls into the hell of Psychological care. Location Brooklyn, Ohio and throughout Ohio
A Child Thrown in the realm of Psychological Abuse, so called mental help for a child. At this point the child will endure physical pain and mental abuse. The child is a victim. The child will now try even to commit suicide, once in the care of the gaslighting techniques, all misinformation is solely used. Who doesn't believe a medical record? Doctors take oaths and you are in the belief of what the medical record states is in fact, fact. It isn't. No one is under the belief on a daily basis that a Doctor who takes an oath becomes a doctor to harm any patient, but it occurs. All the prior medical records of misinformation are used and the child doesn't develop in anyway shape or form. The child has endured physical pain, such as stabbed with needles, not giving the proper medication or even the wrong medication or the misinformation will get someone who is not an abuser to commit an act of abuse against the child due to misinformation on a child's medical records, this causes bodily harm on a once loving child who has been thrown into continued non stop mental abuse and physical harm. The parent who is the victim who is trying to save her child/children from the abuse and will be discredited due to the years of the gaslighter who has made the mother look crazy. The mother is not believed and the child in fact will continue to get abused.
Medications will be used that a child will not need, medications used that might even hurt or kill a child. Psychopathic drugs used that a child doesn't need and to change the child into believing they might hurt themselves or someone else. After abuse of gaslighting done on a child since the age of 2 1⁄2 years old the child outcome is not an outcome of a normal life, as now everyone he/she encounters doesn't like him/her, alienation occurs. The child will grow up and be stunted in the growth of an adult male or adult female. The cycle of abuse continues. This affects people's lives, family and communities. Never ending cycle of abuse. The child has learned unknowingly by the abuser to continue in adulthood. He has learned technique that diminishes not only himself but the community. The damage is severely done deliberately by the hands of a stepfather/and or the gaslighter.
Gaslighting the parent/Parenting Skills in Question.
When the technique is used it not only devastates you as my person, it devastates your parenting skills or lack of, as you are under attack of what you are not doing as a parent or what you should be doing as a parent. The parent who is on constant attack (call it consuming) loses the ability to parent. The question to you/anyone who may read my statement, how does gaslighting make you the better parent? Who are you to think that if a parent isn't parenting the way you want them to or you are under the belief the parent is not doing the right parenting? I would challenge the fact that gaslighting is a monster parent and doesn't teach a child to grow into adulthood. Lies deceit and harm causes more lies deceit, always an angle. Parents I tend to believe have only great/good intentions on wanting their children to contribute to a community, society in general. It was said and I quote “It takes a village” or a school is only as good as their community. It is very frightening to see the village or the community on a continual basis commit such monster parenting, wouldn't you agree? How is making a community of making a community a village of idiots helping? Now the word used idiots is derogatory some would say I’ll put it better in a non threatening way. How is dumbing down youth help any society helpful? How does gaslighting on youth (abuse) that stops a person growing up to be a healthy contributor to any village/community to be successful? In plain English it doesn't. My question to you reading this statement is, How many school shootings contribute to a village/community?
Child Abuse Exploitation now takes place on other people's children. Misinformation leads to adults who are now under the belief you have hurt a child, My person has witnesses Counselors, Teachers, Psychiatrist, everyday fathers, mothers and several other entities use a child. Even doing an reenactment of a child rape, led off into a park. How can that be? The my person was at the age of 5, while the surrounding people walking their dog along a pathway or the jogger running and children playing in a park, those people would never understand the
action that is being done by a male who is leading the child out into the bushes but the victim has already been consumed/witnessed several to hundreds of other actions that have occurred in those 19 years, at one point when a victim is gaslighted any trauma that the victim has endured in the past will also be used against the victim who has been gaslighted. This is sick victimizing. My question to you as you read my personal statement, who are the victims now? the little girl led off into a park? the male leading the child into the park? I would hope that you would be under the belief that all was a victim at this point, I would challenge that any male/female who is not a monster parent would look at the individual who might ask you to place a young child and exploit them in a situation of any sorts of this type of action and would tell them no way in hell! (But as the gaslighted victim, I now tend to believe that in fact, yes, some people are fully aware of these types of actions and do exploit young children.) I cannot say for matter of fact if the action that took place that day or know if the male knew of the action being done was victimization. I have witnessed hundreds of sick victimization on children, mothers, fathers and every part of our society.
Victimizing in an office setting with parent/child/children (Psychologist) (Counselor) (Counseling) this time the child/parent/children have been placed in the mental health community. Misinformation is used, such as targeting the parent/teen, here is another incident that had occurred, child is now suppose to be getting help and has been thrown into a Psychological care and the parent who has been gaslighted never once thinks that what might be said in a private setting will be used at a later time to cause a riff between parent and child. STOP, it does. Techniques are given to the child to make the child look at the parent in a negative way and the parent sole intentions are to get the child help. Techniques used to tell a parent to STOP when they are trying to discipline a child, and at this point nothing will be seen in any constructive way of your parenting skills. There will be this inside connection between the Psychologist, Counselor and child/teen. The abuser will continue the effects such as if the Counselor or Psychologist believes that you might not be listening to your child and have ignored them. The child seeks approval from the parent(s) and their needs. The now mental health administrators will indeed use tactics, such as a factual incident that occurred that my person witnessed. Exploitation will now again take place between female teens, male teens, and parent and counselor.
The not bright idea of a Male adult who uses teens to exploit the entire parties as is follow: He is now victimizing the parent and in a session and tells you he has made your child happy in the private session between himself and my person/parent. He placed the teen girl in the waiting area and led the male teen to believe he was getting attention from the young teen girl, pre-planning to teach the gaslighted parent a lesson. Your child is seeking attention, approval and he now made your child happy as stated in the alone session time with the gaslighted disapproved parent. Several verbal and nonverbal psychological actions happened within 1 hour to the gaslighted parent/teen and possibly to the female teen who might of been maybe a family member to the Health Administrator or just another teen placed in the position unknowingly, at this point I would ask the person reading this statement to make an educated guess on the non verbal and verbal action taken place and would come to the only question. Why? Has verbal communication stop in a counselling session? Isn't getting the correct help for the child with open communication helpful any longer? Here’s why, control. There should never be such a setting where a parent is put in a situation where a man with a psychological degree has such control over my person's or my teen or anyone else teen for that matter, a form of psychological abuse mastered.
Not one person in Ohio has been Prosecuted for the abuse that was to my Son!. I went to the police, FBI, News Stations and told everyone I could and I was dismissed as crazy. All the above is true and we have more harmed Children in Ohio that has been covered up. The Above is just a fraction of what has been done to my teen son. I helped my son every way I could and got him off those drugs they fee him and stopped him from seeing abusers in the Medical Facilities, he was a healthy kid, what happened to him in Schools by abusers and done purposely is sick. To cover for Adult Educators who abuse children is not only criminal but very very sick! He was a Healthy Young Person until his Schools Harmed him and some outside sources in the community!
The People Who Did This Activity To My Teen Son Are Still Out Their and He has Suffered and No One Helped! He Still Suffers From What These Monsters Did To Him And He is 24 Year Old Now.
The Owner of Ecot Lives In a Nice Warm Sunny State, he only paid back $750 Thousand Dollars To Ohio and Owed The State of Ohio over 65 Million Dollars! My Child Received NOTHING BUT HARMED AND DRUGGED BY DOCTORS AND LIARS AND WE WERE SILENCED BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO SHUT DOWN ECOT! SENATOR TOM PATTON WAS FULLY AWARE!
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Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn!
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher
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