Sunday, October 17, 2021

Special Education Teacher Leaving The Union In California over Critical Race Theory


Quote from Beth: "What I cannot tolerate is being told how to teach by people who have never stepped foot in my classroom.)

How many teachers have been silenced over the intimidation over Critical Race Theory? Beth Richardson who writes for Real Clear Education who is leaving the Union, she is a Special Education Teacher and has been for 2 decades. The affect's of losing such specialist in the Educational System is detrimental not only for students but for the future of America's Education System. 

In my post yesterday, The New Roll of Teachers who are expected to implement a whole new way of learning and get a crash course on SEL (Social Emotional Learning) EXPOLOSIVE! THE GOVERNMENT REQUIRES CERTIFIED TRAINING - THE NEW ROLL OF TEACHERS ARE COUNSELORS. SEL throw in the mix of Critical Race Theory and you have teachers leaving,  if that's not bad enough teachers are trying to leave the union and are getting flack that they have to continue to pay dues. She is not alone in her battle, other teachers are trying to leave the union as well.

Due to Critical Race Theory and SEL and telling decade old teachers how to teach; it does have dire affects on teachers and students across America, as stated before; Was that the intent after-all? Shortage of teachers, shortage of hospital staff.

What shall we do?
Show up to each and every Board Meeting Voice your concerns in non violent way and get involved in your child's school. Group together with other parents and teachers. Teachers also need support from the parents and their community. 

By Beth Richardson October 13, 2021 -Real Clear Education

Why I’m Leaving My California Teachers’ Union

I have been a middle school special education teacher for 18 years. Every day I spend in the classroom is a joy – the work is hard, but so rewarding – and with almost two decades of experience, I know how my students learn best. 

Imagine my surprise when the California Teachers Association – which spends zero days per year with students – tries to tell teachers how to run their classrooms.

Like many teachers across the state, I have watched nervously as schools begin to adopt curriculums that include Critical Race Theory – a concept I believe would do incredible harm to our children and our country, as it requires every lesson we teach to be presented and understood through the lens of race. While my school, thankfully, has yet to embrace this unproven theory, I fear it may only be a matter of time.

Adopting CRT certainly seems to be the direction our state union is taking, following the lead of the National Education Association, which recently announced that it will promote the theory and actively push back against anything it sees as “anti-CRT rhetoric.” We’re already seeing how these kinds of ideas can creep into the classroom and harm student education. Some educators in my state are pushing to redefine math, taking the focus off of the “right answer” because pointing out a wrong answer is supposedly a form of white supremacy.

If we can no longer teach the difference between correct and incorrect, what is the point of teaching?  I’ve been a dues-paying union member for about three years, and while I frequently disagreed with the political direction of my union, I maintained my membership because I thought it necessary to keep my benefits.

This desperate push for critical race theory, and the forcing of teachers to adopt this curriculum, no matter our beliefs, is the final straw. I could tolerate being told whom to vote for. I could tolerate paying for legal representation that is, frankly, subpar. What I cannot tolerate is being told how to teach by people who have never stepped foot in my classroom.

So I’m leaving my union. Or at least I’m trying to leave. Despite the Supreme Court’s decision in Janus, which states that collecting union dues from non-members is a violation of the First Amendment, my request to leave the union was met with: “Sorry, try again.”

After submitting my request to forgo membership, I received a letter from the CTA informing me that I must continue to pay my dues. “While you may drop your membership through your local,” the letter says, “the agreement to pay dues continues… regardless of membership status.” Indeed, a teacher can only “revoke [their] dues authorization by sending written notice… not less than thirty (30) days and not more than sixty (60) days before the annual anniversary date of the agreement.”

Let me get this straight: I have to continue paying dues to an organization I do not support for an entire year? Next time I’ll make sure my political breaking point lines up with the union’s arbitrary 30-day period.

I’m not alone in this battle with the union – at least eight other teachers in my district are trying to leave, for various reasons. They, too, missed this arbitrary 30-day window and are stuck financially supporting a radical political platform for another year.

As the educator entrusted to lead my classroom, I should have a say in what and how I teach. I want to make sure all my students succeed and are set up for a life of purpose and fulfillment. CRT threatens that future, replacing equal opportunity in the classroom with a curriculum that pits groups against one another. I feel that it’s my responsibility to stand up for my students. The day I’m told that I have to change my curriculum is the day I’ll retire. Until then, I’d rather not be compelled to give part of my paycheck to an organization that puts its political agenda above the education of America’s kids. Beth Richardson is a middle school special education teacher in San Diego, California.

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More information

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Inc

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Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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To know a child Learning needs is to take a Survey? Ridiculous! 

You could argue the following to the school:  SEL is taking non trained teachers who aren't Certified as Intervention Specialist and implementing a program SEL into the whole classroom.

A child now falls under the classification a child needs Social Emotional Learning as a Intervention that SEL is implementing into the classroom as an intervention.  Under the Federal & State law teachers must be certified, the Government mandates it under IDEA. How? Read further.

  • To become a clinical psychologist, you will need an undergraduate degree (four to five years of college) plus a doctorate degree (four to seven years of graduate school). For this specialty area, most people will spend between eight to 12 years in higher education.
  • To become a teacher it take 4 years.  
  • The teacher has obtained full state certification as a special education teacher (including certification obtained through alternative routes to certification), or passed the state special education teacher licensing examination, and holds a license to teach in the state as a special education teacher 
Now the everyday teacher who wasn't trained or specialize in Psychology is teaching SEL -Social Emotional Learning and isn't Government Certified by way of all teachers are not Intervention Specialist. Not all children have Social Emotional Learning Problems, each student has different learning needs and what's better then having a teacher who looks at each student in their learning needs as individuals and recognizes what that child might need because of emotional or non emotional learning problems, some children have ADHD and cause infractions in class, there are numerous learning problems. When parents and teachers come together in a classroom and a child has a learning disability they have tests to find out what that child needs to able to learn and excel, they get tested and end up with either an IEP or a 504, their is testing for children with learning emotional problems and other problems. (SEL) Social Emotional Learning falls under Emotional Behavior. 

Can my child get an IEP or 504 due to emotional problems? YES!  What is defined as emotional problems? Your doctor would test your child and the school! The Student could have social awkwardness, feels uncomfortable around others and all sorts of emotional issue that makes a child have emotional infractions and unable to learn or it makes him or her difficult to learn, they wouldn't give a survey. A intervention specialist and team of people who are Certified specialist give any test that should be done. SEL is removing that step.  
  • What is an IEPThe Individualized Education Program is a legal document under United States law that is developed for each public school child in the U.S. who needs special education. It is created through a team of the child's parent and district personnel who are knowledgeable about the child's needs. Wikipedia
  • What is a 504 -The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment.

With SEL you get Increase instruction time, reduce behavior infractions, that's like starting out the school year that their is already behavioral problems. To assume a child already has behavior infractions is not only stupid it's not true!  Ok wait a minute this is changing IDEA!  Read further. What are infractions?. Get your student handbook out that was given to you at the beginning of school and if you didn't get one ask for one or ask your child's teacher what they have listed as infractions? Here is the difference about Infractions and as you can see it's behavioral.   

  • What some Minor Infractions could be; Minor infractions are those that are commonly handled by teachers in a classroom.  Here are just a few: Disrupting class,  Defiance, insolence, insults, Noncompliance.
  • What are some Major InfractionsMajor infractions are those that warrant the intervention of a school administrator. Here are a few: Disruptive behavior, Harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing and retaliation

What is IDEA: Disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to participate in or contribute to society. Improving educational results for children with disabilities is an essential element of our national policy of ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.

The concept of IDEA was for Children with a Learning disability or emotional learning problems and have Specialized Teachers who are trained solely for that purpose and follow strict guidelines set by the Government in dealing with Social Emotional Learning Behavioral Problems, such as ADHD and all sorts of other problems. With SEL in each classroom your child falls into the Classification of having Behavior problems and assume your child has disadvantage in their learning structure and needs and needs intervention. What does that all mean? They are classified as a Child with a Learning Disability. They have specialized teachers who are specialized and with SEL they are placing a learning structure that all Children need Emotional Training a intervention

Can my child get an IEP due to emotional problems -Yes, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) can certainly include emotional supports as well as emotional goals and objectives. It's common for a 504 plan to include this type of support, too.

The Government requires certified training on Teachers who can teach a child with a learning disorder. With SEL your child falls into that classification because they deemed your child already with Behavioral issues and this program will help them in their learning needs a intervention and your now everyday teacher who isn't certified is giving your child Social Emotional Learning techniques that Requires Trained Teachers that are CERTIFIED! Go. : 👇
2. Specifies requirements for special education teachers. When used with respect to any public elementary school or secondary school special education teacher teaching in a state, “highly qualified” means that: • The teacher has obtained full state certification as a special education teacher (including certification obtained through alternative routes to certification), or passed the state special education teacher licensing examination, and holds a license to teach in the state as a special education teacher, except that when used with respect to any teacher teaching in a public charter school, the term means that the teacher meets the requirements set forth in the state's public charter school law;  The teacher has not had special education certification or licensure requirements waived on an emergency, temporary or provisional basis; and • The teacher holds at least a bachelor's degree.   

 Edutopia gives 3 Ways School Counselors Can Boost SEL -  Proves my argument above, teachers are Counselors now or Non Certified Teacher acting as Specialist intervention and implementing and intervention called (IEP AKA Intervention Education Plan or a 504 Plan) 

SEL is a intervention program being sold to school and teachers who are not Certified under the law and is implementing them into the classroom using Non Special Education Teachers and making them Special Education intervention Teachers who are not qualified or certified as Required under Federal Educational Laws. 

  • What is the role of student support professionals in fostering social and emotional learning (SEL) at the middle and high school levels? School counselors, psychologists, social workers, and other SSPs have many responsibilities, to which promoting SEL is typically an add-on. And we know that the context for SEL interventions in middle and high school is often one of time constraint.

Read the following Article

The unexamined rise of therapeutic education: How social-emotional learning extends K–12 education’s reach into students’ lives and expands teachers’ roles, courtesy of Robert Pondiscio Read Click Here.

  • Ideas and techniques borrowed from popular psychology have aggressively inserted themselves into classroom practice, resulting in the rise of therapeutic education. 

Each Parent should be concerned with what is happening at their school. Make sure you demand that your child be tested under IDEA before Intervention of SEL Social Emotional Learning to see if your child needs any Psychological help for their learning needs. Ask the Teacher you're are speaking to if they are Certified as required by Federal Law, IDEA! I am not an attorney and I am not giving any legal advice, to obtain legal advice or file a class-action lawsuit against any Educational System Regards to Federal Education Laws contact an Attorney who Specializes in Education Law (IDEA)

If you don't find the word (intervention) Highlighted in Yellow above, please leave a comment. Tomato or Tomatoe!  LOL

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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What is Critical Race Theory (CRT)?

Critical Race Theory claims that American society is fundamentally racist and that it is organized to help the white race oppress “people of color.” Some terms that are common to CRT and that have been defined by CRT theorists are “white privilege,” “whiteness,” “white supremacy,” “unconscious bias,” “implicit bias,” “systemic racism,” and “institutionalized racism.” At times, CRT proponents support affirmative action and reparations. Under CRT, only a member of a given “oppressed” minority has the right to speak about the racism that affects them. CRT generally denies that America is a meritocracy, or even that a meritocracy is a just society. A key goal of CRT is “equity” (or equality of outcomes) for all people or at least all groups. Equal opportunity is rarely mentioned because CRT proponents believe that this is not possible in a fundamentally racist society like America.


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