Friday, October 22, 2021

Survey Say's All About The Dolla Bills While AG Merrick Garland Exquisitely Dodges Ethic Standards of Ethical Conduct.

Standards of Ethical Conduct

AG Merrick Garland Exquisitely Dodges Ethic Standards of Ethical Conduct. His son-in-law raking in Millions! The FINANCIAL conflict of interest is slapping you in your faces! Parent's concerned for their Children's Education or being questioned by a committee about his motive's is not only proper it's ethical!  

Garland sat in the hot seat and I was taken back by how he dodged the question over and over, see video below and transcript about following Ethical Standards, he repeatedly brought up his memorandum and violence, he kept dodging the questions on Ethics.  So here is a basic Exquisite Guide to Ethical Standards and Conduct as he say's lives with him.  

In the follow Guide Ethical Standards he DID NOT follow and is required as the standard of ethics is required.  He is leaning and not for the benefit of Children's Education but for Survey's provided by Panorama and the income profited off schools.  Here we are 13 Million Survey's later! 

Here is some Survey Questions and I am sure you have even more questions and as parents you have rights to show up and speak up and demand answers, this is no game show called Family Freud! 

Survey Question is:  What can cause Financial Conflict? 

Survey says:  13 Million Students and Merrick Garland memorandum is covering for Panorama who is profiting. Panorama co-founder Merrick Garlands son-in-law claims their PRODUCT has reached 23 thousand schools! Can we say Dolla Bills involved? You betcha!

Evaluations turned into a Survey?  More Questions need answered.

  • How are you feeling today? Check the current Emotion Emoji!
  • What are the actual stats on what Children have received from taking a survey and the benefits for there learning needs? Social Emotional Learning?
  • Has Merrick Garland donated any funds to Panorama or any of his own family members donated money? 

 Attorney General Merrick Garland Failed in his Duties he should be removed from his position and he is not of a Ethical Standard in which he is to follow, his son-in-law is making money off of America's Children and the Educational System and Parent's by taking emotion survey's!  Educational system is being exploited in the education world now in which it has become a delusional realm of teaching children not the truth.  

Example calling for Jihad in a White Supremacy World like a Board Member did to a Graduation Class in the State of Virginia, that's the new Educational ethics? Delusional! What in the hell? Calling for Jihad use to be a terrorist term, now if it's used by a board members and it's normal and parents are the terrorist?  

Dear Merrick Garland here is what you failed to do in your position I am giving you a refresher course, you know the one in which you live with!  Get your 32 page pdf Guide - Standards of Ethical Conduct Guide.

Article from Sept 2021 and what about the growth on a child's education in Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies? When a Survey tells you what emotional state you are in? Reported by TechCrunch: Mary Ann is a Senior Reporter at TechCrunch.

 Panorama Raises 60 Million in General Atlantic Led Series C

  • Panorama declined to reveal at what valuation the Series C was raisednor did it provide any specific financial growth metrics. CEO and co-founder Aaron Feuer did say the company now serves 13 million students in 23,000 schools across the United States, which means that 25% of American students are enrolled in a district served by Panorama today. 


 AG Merrick Garland Exquisitely Dodges Ethic Standards of Ethical Conduct. 

Transcript. I highlighted his Reponses in Yellow

question is
the thing that is concerned many of
those parents that are showing up at
these school board meetings the the very
basis of their objection and their
vigorous debate as you mentioned earlier
is the curricula the very curricula that
your son-in-law
is selling
so to millions of americans i mean my
constituents i was home all weekend i
got an earful about this they're very
concerned about that of subpart e that
federal regulation says an employee of
the executive branch is discouraged from
encouraging con engaging in conduct
that's likely to affect the financial
interest of someone close to them your
your son-in-law
your daughter
uh clearly meets that definition and and
so the question is uh
did did you follow that regulation did
you have the appropriate agency ethic
official look into this did you seek
guidance as the federal federal
regulation requires

this memorandum is aimed at violence and
threats of violence understand that but

did you excuse me did you seek
ethics counsel before you issued a
letter that directly relates to the
financial interest of your family yes or

this memorandum does not relate to
the financial interests of anyone it's a
thr it's again

i take that as a no i
take that as a no

memorandum is against
violence and threats of violence

will you mr attorney general will you
commit to having the appropriate ethics
destiny review the case and make the
results public

this memorandum is aimed at violence and
threats of violence

i understand your
talking point you're not answering my
question mr attorney general with all
due respect will you submit to an ethics
review of this matter yes or no

no company in america or hopefully no
law abiding citizen in america who
believes that threats of violence should
not be prevented there are no conflicts
of interest that anyone could have

according to you but sir with due
respect that's the purpose of the
federal regulation we need objective
third parties to review our activities
you don't get to make that decision
yourself it doesn't matter you're the
top you're the chief law enforcement of
this country this raises questions in
the minds of millions of americans and
your impartiality is being called into
question why would you not submit to a
simple ethics review of that

i am exquisitely aware of the ethics

but you're not following

i have followed them and lived with
them for the last 25 years

did you seek
an ethics review of this or not i'm
going to say again

there are no conflicts of interest
involved when the justice department

okay okay according to you i got that
i'm not trying to be disrespectful but
you are not respecting our rules our
constitutional norms and the federal law
that directly applies to your activities

Standards of Ethical Conduct

Now you know!
Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 


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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dare to Ask - Education Equity. Who are the Majority and Minority by Race and Poverty Status?

Written in Barb Nied 2015 See Original post 

When looking at the above photo, did you see a tiny bird in a spoon? or did you see a large spoon with a tiny bird? or did you see the same size spoon as the bird?
I read on a blog recently “knowledge is power.” Now using this knowledge in a constructive and not hurtful/harmful way would be the way to go, using knowledge because you might be on a power trip or you are thinking that you have an advantage over someone or some situation would not necessary be the way to go. This is where vulnerabilities comes in, for you or the other person or whatever that maybe in the knowledge that you are giving up/or not giving up. Being vulnerable?, Here my Metaphor on this tiny bird, this bird is very vulnerable. What did you see in the photo? My Metaphor is not about race, but knowledge is power and that can make or break any human. When a group of people have an agenda it effects the vulnerable.

Education Equity. Who are the Majority and Minority by Race and Poverty Level? 


I am going to go out of the norm and look at the stats in a sorta different way, a different perception because it does matter how you perceive. Perception and what it actually is. Your perception may vary when things become emotional over what has been occurring with a group of people who have been placing Critical Race Theory into the classroom or your job, your perception isn't wrong something is wrong. 

30 plus years of real Equity in the Education system has been replace with Inequity; lack of fairness, used by people of Brown or Black skin people throughout the Education System and the Work Force within the United States of America claiming that Whites are and will always be racist towards Brown or Black people and that it has a disadvantage because you are racist and your child in pre-school to 12th grade must learn that all White people are racist and have had White Privilege's.

No matter what you do or say you are still a racist, not all people think this way just the ones who believe you should know you are a racist and that every child in school or work place should accommodate Brown or Black people.

The word "Equity" has been used throughout the Education System for more years then what you think. The word Equity: justice according to natural law or right specifically freedom from bias or favoritism. You don't favor one over the other and it's suppose to be fair in Education for all Students. The civil rights laws enforced by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) protect all students, regardless of religious identity, from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age.

For the following question; Education Equity. Who are the Majority and Minority by Race and Poverty Status?

 I am going to use term Equity. Why? Because the word "Equity" is being used in a variety of different definitions and meanings throughout Social Media and the News Media and The Education System and Workforce. The new implementation of Equity is being used as a Race tool in Schools and at your place of employment. Therefore my color of my Brown or Black skin matters and it's inequity not really equity but calling for equity, confused? That's the point. 

There is one thing that isn't confusing, the people who are claiming you are racist because you are White believe you are, they are not confused about it and they have no problem forcing that onto you or your child.

Equity will be defined as "Fairness" in my Dare to Ask.
Inequity: lack of fairness or justice.

The Education System has defined the Minority as all other races - non White.  

I will use the following definitions: Majority Group and Minority Group

  • Minority groupA minority group, are fewer in numbers than the Majority.
  • Majority groups - Are often statistical majorities, meaning the group with the most people.

  • As of 2020 there are 325.7 Million people in America, the Majority would be White. 
  • The Total of 37.2 Million American's are at Poverty Status out of the total of 325.7 Million people.
  • The Total of White American's is 194.3 Million.
  • 72.3 Million American's are under the age of 18. 11.6 Million of those under 18 years old fall under the poverty status under Federal Guidelines.
  • Of the 194.3 Million of American's who are at poverty level there are 15.9 Million total American's who are White that are at the poverty level status. 

  • As of 2020 there are 325.7 Million people in America. Rates below 2021.
  • The Total of Black American's is 43.4 Million
  • Out of the 43.4 Million Black American's in Poverty Status is 8.5 Million that fall under the Status of Poverty Federal Guidelines. 
  • There are 20.2 Million Asian's - 1.6 Million are at Poverty Status
  • Hispanic and other Race 61.2 Million - 10.4 Million are at Poverty Status 

Based on Poverty -  "Equity" Fairness

The following video below is Beck Pringle from The National Education Association who thinks we should confront Racism and what her student thinks, at a young age we can place anything we want into to minds when one has an agenda. SEL was developed for the Urban Community and not for the whole Majority just for the Minority. Poverty comes in all races. 

  • Critical Race Theory is based on the premise that White people have to much and has been harmful to others because White People are the Racist ones out of all Races.
  • From the above Poverty stats the Majority are White People and is at the higher rate of poverty because their are more White people then non White people.

Lawmakers and boards of education in many U.S. states have proposed limiting what teachers can teach about race. National Education Association President Becky Pringle spoke with Anne-Marie Green and Vladimir Duthiers on CBSN about how teachers are fighting back and why many believe students should learn about systemic racism.

When you implement a school program it's suppose to fair "Equity" Social Emotional Learning and Critical Race Theory is inequity -- unfair and the guilt placed as therefore I am White person and I have too much and you are a racist because you are White, that is untrue as there are White People who live in poverty. 

What is Critical Race Theory (CRT)?
Critical Race Theory claims that American society is fundamentally racist and that it is organized to help the white race oppress “people of color.” Some terms that are common to CRT and that have been defined by CRT theorists are “white privilege,” “whiteness,” “white supremacy,” “unconscious bias,” “implicit bias,” “systemic racism,” and “institutionalized racism.” At times, CRT proponents support affirmative action and reparations. Under CRT, only a member of a given “oppressed” minority has the right to speak about the racism that affects them. CRT generally denies that America is a meritocracy, or even that a meritocracy is a just society. A key goal of CRT is “equity” (or equality of outcomes) for all people or at least all groups. Equal opportunity is rarely mentioned because CRT proponents believe that this is not possible in a fundamentally racist society like America.

What's fair? Please feel free to leave a comment. All Comments Welcomed.

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Know You Know

Dare - Challenge - Learn! 

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. William James - American philosopher 

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